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Tag: app-en

Breastfeeding in self-isolation and when staying at home

Breastfeeding in self-isolation and when staying at home

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many families around the world are currently confined to their homes with their breastfeeding babies. We have never experienced anything like this before. This is the first time we have faced a situation like this and it is normal that you have many doubts. What we can tell you is that many of you feel the same way, so we are going to try to answer those questions that many of you have…

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Breastfeeding and Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19)

Breastfeeding and Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19)

Last update: April 11, 2020. These days we are facing an exceptional situation and we know that this causes a lot of concern among families, since many of you have made us aware of your doubts and concerns. Therefore, at LactApp we have been reviewing the latest recommendations from international disease and breastfeeding experts to provide you with up-to-date information. We have been able to confirm that the great majority of these organizations conclude, that when the mother suffers from…

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And I did it – March 8th International Women’s Day

And I did it – March 8th International Women’s Day

We have been thinking a long time about how to prepare for this day, a day of mobilizations, of demands, of feelings, a day full of sisterhood and feminism. Because of this, we wanted to do something different, something special, something that would support and encourage us. In 2017 the hashtag #MeToo movement was launched. A concept under which many women shared their experiences about all kind of violence (sexual, gender, obstetric…), harassment, fear, sexual abuse,… which they suffered (or…

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Can I breastfeed and be a feminist?

Can I breastfeed and be a feminist?

Today, as we celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women a few days ago, we would like to retrieve this wonderful text by Irene García Perulero, a woman who knows a lot about feminism and breastfeeding. Do not miss it! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. “I breastfed for eight years and I did it for two reasons. The first is that I was told I could not do it. Let’s see,…

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The 74 thousand reasons for LactApp

The 74 thousand reasons for LactApp

To personally live the steps that LactApp has made has been an experience similar to motherhood in many aspects. When LactApp was born, we taught her everything we knew, we passed on to her the knowledge in breastfeeding, the tone of the messages, the respect towards decision making. Soon it was time to let her interact with many other people. It was a magical moment, clumsy, full of fears and pride, similar to that first step our children took. Soon…

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By and for black women by Desirée Bela-Lobedde

By and for black women by Desirée Bela-Lobedde

The Black Breastfeeding Week (BBW) was held from 25 to 31 August. This has been its seventh edition. In the blog of LactApp, and in its social networks, there were a couple of publications talking about the need for this celebration, with the intention of making it visible. And, although it seems to me to be a necessary action in a medium dedicated to providing information on breastfeeding in general, I must say that the reactions of the readers made…

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Is it necessary to celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week? 

Is it necessary to celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week? 

We are in the middle of the Black Breastfeeding Week Celebration in its 7th edition. To spread the word, we have posted on our Instagram account a photograph of a black mother breastfeeding her baby and we have shared the news about this celebration that takes place from 25 to 31 August. It’s great to have our followers on the LactApp social networks. The responses to the image are reactions of surprise because in the 21st century we still have…

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Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is becoming more and more common. It is not easy for mothers, as they are likely to receive uninformed comments and opinions regarding the risk of breastfeeding while they are pregnant. None of this is true, and when everything goes well in the pregnancy, there is no reason to stop breastfeeding. But what if something goes wrong? Today, we want to see the other side of it and talk about the cases in which giving up breastfeeding…

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Breast milk storage: summary chart

Breast milk storage: summary chart

Handling and storing pumped breastmilk can be scary, but it’s much simpler than it sounds. However, many mothers have questions about it, so we summarize all of the essential information about how to store breastmilk. Fresh breast milk storage Fresh milk: In the fridge for 3 to 5 days. Fresh milk at room temperature (summer): 4 hours Fresh milk at room temperature (winter): 6 hours Fresh milk to be refrigerated and then frozen: No more than 24 hours in the…

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Tongue-tie: what it is and how to treat it

Tongue-tie: what it is and how to treat it

Tongue tie or ankyloglossia literally means tongue-tied or anchored. The tongue is anchored to the floor of the mouth, and the baby is unable to make the proper movements that should allow them to suckle effectively and without compromising the well-being of the mother. Where is the short lingual frenulum (tongue-tie) located, and what is it used for? The tongue tie should be inserted into the tongue. In the case of babies with a short tongue frenulum, we observe the…

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