The 74 thousand reasons for LactApp
To personally live the steps that LactApp has made has been an experience similar to motherhood in many aspects.
When LactApp was born, we taught her everything we knew, we passed on to her the knowledge in breastfeeding, the tone of the messages, the respect towards decision making. Soon it was time to let her interact with many other people. It was a magical moment, clumsy, full of fears and pride, similar to that first step our children took.
Soon we saw that we could go further, LactApp already knows several languages, responds to many other new issues related to women, from fertility to menstruation through sexuality or parenting. It offers services that users have asked us for such as personalised plans, breastfeeding tests and a chat consultation that is totally saturated but which allows us to continue being in contact with the real needs of mothers and improve the care we give every day. In this same chat we use artificial intelligence, which is able to detect what you are asking us about before our team even reads it. But we don’t just stand there, LactApp has been built on scientific evidence and disseminated. In this sense, we have also gone a step further and now we have the focus on generating new scientific studies and we do so hand in hand with medical and technological institutions of great reputation. Furthermore, in order to disseminate knowledge not only to mothers but to all the professionals who care for them, we are running the second edition of the first postgraduate course in breastfeeding with the Ramon Llull University.
Finally (for the moment, since this baby of ours does not stop growing) in October, we will open our first clinic in Barcelona to be able to attend, train and support for the first time and in person to all women who wish it.
Last week, the application recieved more than 74,000 user consultations. 74,000! in one week! They are incredible numbers and we have achieved through organic means but from a mission that pursues us like our own shadow: we want all the women of the world to feel supported in their decisions.
There have been very hard times, thinking that LactApp could not fit into the world in which we had created it. But it always shows us that our fears are unfounded and continue to grow at a good pace, sometimes so much that it even makes us dizzy.
So, despite all the difficulties we’ve encountered along the way, we can’t help but be sure that LactApp is occupying an important space in the world in which we live. LactApp has come to stay and to create that invisible support network that will unite us all mothers, families and professionals and make it easier for mothers to live their desired experience in breastfeeding and motherhood.
We started LactApp carrying her in our arms and now she pulls us hard forward, it will be a pleasure to see where she will take us.