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Author: Alba Padró

What is nipple confusion and how can it be resolved?

What is nipple confusion and how can it be resolved?

There has been a debate about whether nipple confusion in breastfeeding (sometimes also called nipple-teat confusion) exists or whether it is a myth. In reality, evidence and our experience in supporting thousands of breastfeeding mothers show that there are all types of babies: those who can suckle from a bottle teat, a pacifier and at the mother’s breast interchangeably without any problems, and other babies who are given one single feed from a bottle and seem to no longer know…

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Weaning a toddler from breastfeeding (over 2 years old)

Weaning a toddler from breastfeeding (over 2 years old)

It is pretty common, far more common than it seems, that when you have a happy breastfeeding journey, the months go by, and you don’t consider weaning in the short/medium term. But then suddenly, the child has grown, almost without you realizing it, and sometimes because of a new pregnancy, an increasing breastfeeding demand from our child, or sometimes because life is like that, the word “weaning” begins to appear in your emotions, with more and more force. There comes…

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Supplementing Milk in Breastfeeding Babies

Supplementing Milk in Breastfeeding Babies

Babies often receive supplementing milk during breastfeeding, sometimes with formula and sometimes with pumped breast milk. The introduction of supplemental milk, as a form of administration and its content, can affect the feeding of the infant, and therefore, it is very important to examine thoroughly its actual need. This article discusses what supplementing means, when it is needed, and the best options for administering it. What is supplementing? Supplementing means giving variable amounts of milk to a baby once or…

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Why a neonatal speech therapist visit is essential after cutting a tongue-tie

Why a neonatal speech therapist visit is essential after cutting a tongue-tie

It is well known that ankyloglossia can hinder stomatognathic functions such as sucking, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and breathing. Although frenectomy (tongue-tie release) is an effective solution to free the tongue from the floor of the mouth, this outpatient procedure is sometimes only the initial step in the tongue rehabilitation process. The tongue rehabilitation process aims to improve the tongue’s tone and proprioception and requires expert help from a neonatal speech therapist. When the tongue is released through this procedure, the…

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Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

It happens very often, at the beginning of breastfeeding, that doubts arise regarding if you need to put your baby to burb after breastfeeding. But in fact, you don’t need to burp breastfed babies at all after each feed. This is an idea that comes directly from bottle feeding, where babies do swallow air and, therefore, you do need to put a bottle-fed baby to burp after they had a bottle. When a baby breastfeeds well, which means that the…

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Breast compressions: how to help your baby to get more milk

Breast compressions: how to help your baby to get more milk

How can you help your baby to get more milk out of your breast? With breast compressions. When a baby doesn’t drink enough milk and doesn’t gain enough weight or has difficulties making efficient sucking motions, this forces them to feed constantly to get the amount of milk they need. Here is how you can help your baby with this simple technique. This method is very simple and allows you, as a breastfeeding mother, to optimize feeds and shorten the…

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Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Will children ever wean by themselves? What is the natural weaning age? In our society, weaning happens very early. It is much more frequent that breastfeeding journeys last months rather than years. The first time I saw a child about three years old breastfeeding, I couldn’t believe my eyes. At that time, my daughter was barely two months old, and I had not considered that breastfeeding could last ‘that long.’ I have discussed this feeling with many mothers who were…

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10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

Weaning your baby from the breast and stop breastfeeding after one year is possible. If you’ve made it to one year of breastfeeding or beyond, first of all, congratulations! Usually, it’s not at all easy to get to this point. It’s also likely that you’ve gone almost 365 days without good sleep and are exhausted by your baby’s demands. So, if you are considering weaning or want to start now, this post is for you. When you ask yourself the…

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Stages of a breast abscess

Stages of a breast abscess

A breast abscess is the most serious complication a mother can experience during lactation. An abscess is usually produced by a poor resolution of mastitis, which is why it is very important to effectively treat mastitis or any sign of infection in the breast. A breast abscess develops over time, so sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether the lump a mother notices in her breast is an abscess or not. In this article, we have divided the possible evolution…

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Is there a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months?

Is there a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months?

Many mothers talk about a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months of the baby’s life. It has taken some time to understand this crisis, which does not appear in manuals and happens almost exclusively with an exaggerated increase in demand for night feeds. We have already talked about the 3-month breastfeeding crisis and the developmental leap at 4 months (also called sleep “regression”), where most babies go through a so-called breastfeeding crisis. Babies start to sleep less at night,…

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