Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is becoming more and more common. It is not easy for mothers, as they are likely to receive uninformed comments and opinions regarding the risk of breastfeeding while they are pregnant. None of this is true, and when everything goes well in the pregnancy, there is no reason to stop breastfeeding.

But what if something goes wrong? Today, we want to see the other side of it and talk about the cases in which giving up breastfeeding is the most appropriate option.

Because you don’t feel well or have pain

So-called breastfeeding aversion (agitation) may occur during breastfeeding, a very strong feeling of rejection towards the older son when he breastfeeds. This feeling can be very intense and can lead to the need to wean immediately.

In pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels are very high, which makes the nipple very sensitive. Many mothers feel very intense pain when the baby suckles, and although the pain tends to decrease as the pregnancy progresses, this leads them to wean because of pain.

Uterine contractions

During pregnancy, the fibers of the uterus that respond to oxytocin stimulation are disconnected and do not feel contractions. However, in certain abnormal circumstances, breastfeeding the baby (and also orgasms) can cause painful and active contractions. In these cases, when the mother feels the pain of contractions, weaning is advisable. This is also when you are recommended and advised against having sex.

In the same way, in the following situations we will also recommend weaning or reducing/limiting the number of feedings:

– When the cervix is shortened or incompetent and begins to dilate before reaching full term.

– When there is a risk of miscarriage.

– If painful contractions occur when the baby breastfeeds.

– If vaginal bleeding occurs or intensifies when the baby breastfeeds.

These cases are rare, and in most pregnancies, the mother can continue to breastfeed without this being a problem for any of the three parties involved.
Breastfeeding during pregnancy does not compromise the health of the mother, the child or the unborn baby, it does not cause malformations or increase the risk of miscarriage.

Do you have any other questions?

You can find more information about all things breastfeeding in our free app, LactApp for iPhone or Android. In the contact section of the app, you can find an in-app consultation channel, where our experts will answer your questions.

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