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Tag: app-en

How to stop breastfeeding a baby under one year old

How to stop breastfeeding a baby under one year old

When we have talked about weaning before, we have tended to focus on babies over the age of one year. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about weaning from the breast and stop breastfeeding a baby younger than one year or even a few months or days old. As you know, you can consult the LactApp app for further information about weaning at any age and situation, so you have all the information possible in your hands, and…

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What I mean by respected birth

What I mean by respected birth

When we talk about respected childbirth, each person can feel it or live it in a different way, and we can see it from many perspectives: the mother, the partner, the baby, the midwife, the assistant, and the obstetrician. Each person could give a different definition of what a respected birth is for her. In the end, although we could, in fact, there are protocols with items that advocate for a respected birth, the experience and the individual perception of…

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Is your breastfeeding journey not as pleasant as you dreamed it would be?

Is your breastfeeding journey not as pleasant as you dreamed it would be?

I want it, but I don’t Sometimes the breastfeeding journey with older children starts not to be as pleasant as we had imagined Months have passed. Maybe we started breastfeeding with complications, or maybe not, and our baby has grown and practices a lot of postures while taking the breast. Breastfeeding is more than established and entrenched, but something in us is changing: “Is asking for a tit again?”; “It seems like they are newly born again and demand it all…

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What is breast engorgement?

What is breast engorgement?

In another article, we explained the coming in of mature milk after you have colostrum: a natural process that happens between 24 to 48 hours after birth. But this process can come with complications and become a painful problem. Today, we will talk about breast engorgement and how to resolve it. But let’s start from the beginning: What is breast engorgement? Engorgement is an accumulation of fluids, liquid blood, and plasma in the breasts in the first days after giving…

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Reverse pressure softening (RPS)

Reverse pressure softening (RPS)

In this post we talked about breast ingurgitation and how it can affect breastfeeding the first days of life of the baby or in case of mother-baby separation. In it we talked about the Reverse Pressure Softening (RPS), in this post we want to give you more information on how it is done. What is the Reverse Pressure Softening (RPS)? It is a type of massage that can help to decongest the area of the areola when it presents an…

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Metamizole and breastfeeding

Metamizole and breastfeeding

Following the modification of the compatibility level of metamizole and breastfeeding by the reference website for medication and lactation www.e-lactancia.org, we have had several queries from mothers concerned about the issue. For that reason, today, our midwife, Laia Aguilar, answers the most frequent questions: What is metamizole? It is a medicine used as an analgesic and antipyretic. In Spain, it is marketed under the name Nolotil. I have taken it while breastfeeding. Is it dangerous for my baby? The data…

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Premature babies and breastfeeding (part I)

Premature babies and breastfeeding (part I)

Giving birth to a premature baby is an experience for which parents are not prepared. The dreamed and desired baby disappears, happiness is postponed, and the future is too big and unknown. Parents often feel lost in the fragility of their babies. It seems that nothing is in their hands, that they cannot do much for them, and that they can only trust doctors and medicines. But is that so? What about breastfeeding in premature babies? Although there are no…

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“I’m afraid to hurt my baby”- Impulse phobia

“I’m afraid to hurt my baby”- Impulse phobia

Motherhood had always been conceived in the same way as childbirth. What two or three generations ago was “normal” is now not “normal” anymore. Society and women, especially, are awakening, connecting with themselves, our species, and our physiology as mammals. We question why things are the way they are, we are more and more empowered and more committed, we speak out more, we demand more and we make ourselves heard louder and louder every day. And one of these silent…

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The Signs on the Road that led to Apple

The Signs on the Road that led to Apple

From day one, we had many signs that we were taking the right steps. The entrepreneur path is never easy because there’s no manual to guide you. You are guessing what your next step should be and you don’t really know when your decisions are right or wrong, even after taking them. You learn, rethink and grow from each decision you make. Many times you take steps in several directions at the same time and it feels more like spinning…

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Maternity reality check: How to raise your baby without getting lost

Maternity reality check: How to raise your baby without getting lost

Today I decided to write about parenting and the pressure we women have in relation to it, and I do so for the number of consultations of mothers absolutely exhausted and surpassed from the first year of their baby. Most of these mothers have babies between 18 months and 3 years old and describe exhaustion, overwhelm and absolute discomfort that has to do with the intensity of the baby’s demand, whether breast, arms or skin, during the day and/or during…

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