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Author: LactApp

Breastfeeding Beginnings

Breastfeeding Beginnings

The beginnings of breastfeeding and the first hours of the infant are one of the topics that were discussed in the practical workshops of the I LactApp Medical Congress. In this article, we summarize the workshop of the LactApp midwife and breastfeeding expert Anna Manubens, who held the practical session ‘Assessment in the first hours’. In this workshop, we were able to get a very clear idea of the most important aspects to take into account when accompanying a mother-baby…

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The relactation process

The relactation process

Relactation is the re-establishment of breastmilk supply in a woman who has given birth, after milk secretion has significantly been reduced, interrupted or inhibited altogether, either because of inability or unwillingness to breastfeed after childbirth. Requests for help in relactation are common, it is a process in which women must be accompanied and they need to know very well the steps and actions to be taken to increase breast milk production while reducing the amount of formula offered to the…

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Formula Milk Shortage in the US: What to Do?

Formula Milk Shortage in the US: What to Do?

In the last few weeks, a formula milk shortage is happening in the United States. According to local media reports, the problem has worsened to the point that supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers that sell baby formula are out of stock of these products, which are essential for feeding so many infants. A large number of bottle-feeding families now find themselves rationing the cans of formula they have at home, giving less than needed amounts, watering down bottles, and driving…

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Children’s Rights in Hospital

Children’s Rights in Hospital

The 13th of May marks the occasion of the International Day of the Hospitalized Child, so in this article, we would like to talk about the rights of hospitalized children. The hospitalization of a child can be a shock to families and their children. Additionally, if you are breastfeeding and/or have other children, this can be extremely difficult to manage. There are international agreements that protect hospitalized children and their families in this situation. The rights of hospitalized children are included in…

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Lupus and Breastfeeding

Lupus and Breastfeeding

Today is World Lupus Day and we would like to talk about breastfeeding with lupus. Worldwide more than 5 million people have this disease and nine out of every ten of them are women. Nutritionist Iria Quintáns Álvarez wrote this post, she is an expert in lupus as she suffers from this autoimmune disease herself. You can find her on Instagram @nutrienfamilia Lupus and breastfeeding Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly believes it should ‘attack’ its own…

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BLW or pureed food: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW or pureed food: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW or pureed food: is there scientific evidence to support the benefits of one method over the other? If a few weeks ago we wrote about the scientific evidence of BLW in relation to breastfeeding, now we focus on reviewing the published scientific evidence on infant growth and food intake of BLW babies compared to traditional spoon-fed babies.  BLW or pureed food One of the biggest fears that both health care providers and families have about BLW is that infants…

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Drug compatibility and breastfeeding

Drug compatibility and breastfeeding

On drug compatibility and breastfeeding, today we share with you the main points of the practical workshop on how to use the e-lactancia.org website that the pharmacist and co-author of the website Silvia Moyano gave at the LactApp Medical Congress. Moyano addressed, among other aspects, the pharmacokinetic characteristics of a substance to be able to assess the compatibility of drugs and breastfeeding and the risk posed by that substance for an infant. He explained how to take into account the…

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BLW and breastfeeding: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW and breastfeeding: what does the scientific evidence say?

In this post we review what the scientific evidence says about BLW and breastfeeding. The Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) method allows the baby to feed itself in a self-regulated manner by eating autonomously with its hands and avoiding the traditional method of spooning pureed food. The method has multiple benefits compared to the traditional method of spooning pureed food.  One of the most important is that it might be more respectful with breastfeeding.  There are several published studies that have studied the…

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“Breastfeeding was my biggest challenge”: a breastfeeding story

“Breastfeeding was my biggest challenge”: a breastfeeding story

“It was a real challenge.” This is how Vicotria’s, one of our users, breastfeeding journey started. If you also wish to send us yours, you can do so by sending your story to: [email protected] I had a complex and long labor in which my daughter had a hard time. With every contraction, she strangled herself with the umbilical cord but it was only seen afterwards when she was born. When they put her on top of me for skin to…

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“By the time we went home, I felt helpless”

“By the time we went home, I felt helpless”

Cristina has sent us this moving story, which we have called “By the time we went home, I felt helpless”, about her breastfeeding journey. If you would like to send us yours, please email it to: [email protected]. We would like to thank Cristina for her generosity in sharing her story. Here is her experience: If there is something, I always wanted throughout my life, it was to be a mom. Raising children and caring is something that has always been…

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