Are baby-led weaning and breastfeeding similar?
What does breastfeeding and baby led weaning have in common? A comparison of the two options of feeding your baby.
What does breastfeeding and baby led weaning have in common? A comparison of the two options of feeding your baby.
When a baby needs to receive additional breastmilk or formula milk, we always think of a bottle as the only way to do this. And, of course, you can give milk in a bottle; you just need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each supplementing method. In this post, we will explain the finger-syringe technique. What advantages does it have over other methods? The finger-syringe method is ideal for training babies’ suckling motions. It allows your baby to place the tongue in…
We receive a lot of questions about stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) and breastfeeding in the LactApp app consultation channel. It’s that time of the year again, and many breastfeeding mothers and their babies are affected, so we would like to take the opportunity and answer your questions. I am breastfeeding, and I have a stomach bug: What should I do? Breastfeeding mothers can be affected by stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) just like anyone else. There is no specific treatment for gastroenteritis, so…
Chele Marmet is a mother, pioneering lactation consultant, and the Co-Founder of the Lactation Institute in Los Angeles. She is the creator of the “Marmet technique” of manual expression, the best-known and most widely used manual expression method in the world. This manual expression technique allows you to express breastmilk in a practical and safe way, pain-free and with no equipment needed, allowing you to express milk anywhere and any time you need it. This technique also helps women to…
“My name is Noelia, and I studied psychology to understand why there had been two cases of suicide in my family and many mental health problems. Today, I run a restaurant, and I am happy. I have been ready to be a mom for a long time, but when I saw that it was the perfect moment, I had a miscarriage. But because I had read so much about it, I knew this could happen and it didn’t affect me…
The first week of May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, so let’s talk about emotions and partnership and how parenting can distance. What emotions do you feel when your partner does not parent as you expected? How does it affect you? Maybe during nine months of pregnancy, you have prepared yourself consciously to raise your child together. And then, when your baby arrives, you find that your partner does not meet the expectations you had or that his parenting…
When you first become a new mother, one of the biggest worries is knowing when your baby is hungry. The two main worries of any new family are knowing why a baby is crying and knowing if she or he is hungry. If only they arrived with a manual! So how do I know if my baby is hungry? Babies can cry for many reasons: they might be bored, sleepy, hungry or lonely. But the good news is, that no…
How to put a baby to sleep is one of the most asked questions in our mobile app LactApp. Today we can report on a brand new scientific study that proposes a step-by-step method for putting a baby to sleep and leaving them in their cot without waking them up. It is hard to accept that babies have different sleep patterns than adults and have different needs than adults. Their first and most important need: contact at all times, yes,…
Many mothers worldwide are still often told that they should avoid eating certain foods so their breastmilk doesn’t taste bad, which could supposedly make the baby reject their breastmilk. Is there such a thing as a natural taste of breast milk? Of course, there is! But what happens is that the natural taste of breast milk is not always the same, but has very different and a broad range of flavors. Breast milk tastes of not just one flavor alone….
Human bodies are not symmetrical, and both sides are not exactly the same. But you don’t usually realize this until you become a mother and start producing breastmilk. The milk supply of each breast is regulated by a type of hormone called FIL, Feedback Inhibitor in Lactation. This hormone responds to demand and supply. That is to say, if the baby suckles a lot and takes out all the FIL, the mammary gland gets the message: must produce more milk!…