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Category: Maternity

Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

There are many curious myths about breastfeeding. Most of them are absurd, and if you stop to reflect, you will see that they don’t make any sense, so today, we will debunk 10 of them. 1. You cannot drink water while you are breastfeeding. This myth says that if you drink water while you are breastfeeding, the milk will become watery, or you will produce too much milk. There isn’t any reasoning behind this statement. As we have said before,…

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How to prevent sore nipples when breastfeeding

How to prevent sore nipples when breastfeeding

It seems that most women assume that breastfeeding is painful during the first few days or even believe that you have to wait for the nipples to “toughen up,” but this is not the case at all. Sore nipples, when breastfeeding, should not be part of the motherhood journey, just as there should never be pain when breastfeeding. What are sore nipples? Sore nipples from breastfeeding are wounds of bigger or smaller size to the nipple: at the front, sides,…

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Can I breastfeed and be a feminist?

Can I breastfeed and be a feminist?

Today, as we celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women a few days ago, we would like to retrieve this wonderful text by Irene García Perulero, a woman who knows a lot about feminism and breastfeeding. Do not miss it! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. “I breastfed for eight years and I did it for two reasons. The first is that I was told I could not do it. Let’s see,…

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Should I prepare my baby for the return to work?

Should I prepare my baby for the return to work?

When the time to return to work comes, fears and doubts begin to appear: Should I make a milk stash? How do I do it? How do they manage breastmilk when I am not there? Should I prepare my baby to accept a bottle? Well, today, we would like to talk about these important concerns. Do we have to prepare babies so that they are ready when mothers return to (paid) work? Well, the answer is no. But we are…

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Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is becoming more and more common. It is not easy for mothers, as they are likely to receive uninformed comments and opinions regarding the risk of breastfeeding while they are pregnant. None of this is true, and when everything goes well in the pregnancy, there is no reason to stop breastfeeding. But what if something goes wrong? Today, we want to see the other side of it and talk about the cases in which giving up breastfeeding…

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What I mean by respected birth

What I mean by respected birth

When we talk about respected childbirth, each person can feel it or live it in a different way, and we can see it from many perspectives: the mother, the partner, the baby, the midwife, the assistant, and the obstetrician. Each person could give a different definition of what a respected birth is for her. In the end, although we could, in fact, there are protocols with items that advocate for a respected birth, the experience and the individual perception of…

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Is your breastfeeding journey not as pleasant as you dreamed it would be?

Is your breastfeeding journey not as pleasant as you dreamed it would be?

I want it, but I don’t Sometimes the breastfeeding journey with older children starts not to be as pleasant as we had imagined Months have passed. Maybe we started breastfeeding with complications, or maybe not, and our baby has grown and practices a lot of postures while taking the breast. Breastfeeding is more than established and entrenched, but something in us is changing: “Is asking for a tit again?”; “It seems like they are newly born again and demand it all…

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“I’m afraid to hurt my baby”- Impulse phobia

“I’m afraid to hurt my baby”- Impulse phobia

Motherhood had always been conceived in the same way as childbirth. What two or three generations ago was “normal” is now not “normal” anymore. Society and women, especially, are awakening, connecting with themselves, our species, and our physiology as mammals. We question why things are the way they are, we are more and more empowered and more committed, we speak out more, we demand more and we make ourselves heard louder and louder every day. And one of these silent…

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Maternity reality check: How to raise your baby without getting lost

Maternity reality check: How to raise your baby without getting lost

Today I decided to write about parenting and the pressure we women have in relation to it, and I do so for the number of consultations of mothers absolutely exhausted and surpassed from the first year of their baby. Most of these mothers have babies between 18 months and 3 years old and describe exhaustion, overwhelm and absolute discomfort that has to do with the intensity of the baby’s demand, whether breast, arms or skin, during the day and/or during…

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5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

Here is our best of maternity expectations vs reality: 1 Expectations: The baby wants to breastfeed all day because breasts work on demand, but do not worry that as the baby grows, the feedings will be spaced out and the baby will claim you less. Reality: Baby feeds do not decrease in number over time, they may even increase. What you may notice is that during the first few days you spend a lot of time breastfeeding because the baby…

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