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Author: Alba Padró

Breast milk storage: summary chart

Breast milk storage: summary chart

Handling and storing pumped breastmilk can be scary, but it’s much simpler than it sounds. However, many mothers have questions about it, so we summarize all of the essential information about how to store breastmilk. Fresh breast milk storage Fresh milk: In the fridge for 3 to 5 days. Fresh milk at room temperature (summer): 4 hours Fresh milk at room temperature (winter): 6 hours Fresh milk to be refrigerated and then frozen: No more than 24 hours in the…

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How to Avoid Mastitis during Weaning

How to Avoid Mastitis during Weaning

One of the causes of mastitis is poor drainage from the breast during weaning. Therefore, it is important that specific instructions are followed when reducing the amount of milk that is produced during weaning. *When suffering mastitis it is very important to continue to drain the breast. For this reason, it is not recommended to wean children from the breast during this time. How to wean from the breast correctly for the mammary gland Weaning is the process according to…

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How to stop breastfeeding a baby under one year old

How to stop breastfeeding a baby under one year old

When we have talked about weaning before, we have tended to focus on babies over the age of one year. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about weaning from the breast and stop breastfeeding a baby younger than one year or even a few months or days old. As you know, you can consult the LactApp app for further information about weaning at any age and situation, so you have all the information possible in your hands, and…

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What I mean by respected birth

What I mean by respected birth

When we talk about respected childbirth, each person can feel it or live it in a different way, and we can see it from many perspectives: the mother, the partner, the baby, the midwife, the assistant, and the obstetrician. Each person could give a different definition of what a respected birth is for her. In the end, although we could, in fact, there are protocols with items that advocate for a respected birth, the experience and the individual perception of…

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5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

Here is our best of maternity expectations vs reality: 1 Expectations: The baby wants to breastfeed all day because breasts work on demand, but do not worry that as the baby grows, the feedings will be spaced out and the baby will claim you less. Reality: Baby feeds do not decrease in number over time, they may even increase. What you may notice is that during the first few days you spend a lot of time breastfeeding because the baby…

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First hours after C-section

First hours after C-section

Currently, one in five babies is born by C-section in the world, and although there is increasing knowledge about postpartum after this type of intervention, it is true that mothers may face similar difficulties, and myths may appear that could affect a good start to breastfeeding. Let’s speak about the main worries that mothers may have about the start of breastfeeding and the first hours after c-section. If I am given an anesthetic, do I have to wait to breastfeed?…

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10 tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump

10 tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump

Pumping milk with a breast pump is something that most mothers face at some point during breastfeeding. Whether you are going out for a few hours or going back to work and want to leave milk for your baby, here are some tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump. It’s always got to know some of the following tricks and even more so if these are getting you to express more milk. Here are some hints for getting…

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Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

A recurrent consultation at LactApp refers to the compatibility of tattoos and piercings with breastfeeding. Breast Piercings Let’s start with the piercings which are easier and shorter. During breastfeeding or pregnancy is not recommended to perform any type of perforation to the nipple because of the risk of infection and the pain it can cause. If you have a piercing in the nipple and want to breastfeed, do not have doubts, the answer is yes, you can breastfeed. You should…

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How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

“Hi, I’m a new mother, and I have a doubt: how can I know that breastfeeding is already well established? All those we consult tell us what happens between the fourth and sixth week of the baby’s life, others that after 15 days it is already established… How can we know if breastfeeding goes well?” We will try to explain what we mean by the concept of “established breastfeeding”. The first thing we need to know is that babies learn…

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How to know that everything is going well the first few days

How to know that everything is going well the first few days

Any mother could feel anxious about the first days of breastfeeding when everything is new, and we are invaded by doubts and fears. In this post, we talk about what we can pay attention at the first few days after the birth of our baby and that it will let you know how things are going. Pain: For the first 15-17 days, when your baby latches on to your breast, you may feel a pinching sensation, which should not last…

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