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Author: Alba Padró

How long will I have breast milk?

How long will I have breast milk?

Many breastfeeding mothers are afraid that they are running out of milk. After ending their lactation journey they wonder: how long will I have breast milk? But the surprise comes when breast milk is still produced months or even years after stopping breastfeeding. The mammary gland is created to ensure the nutrition of the baby, and the body does not allow for stopping breast milk production suddenly unless a particular medication is taken or if the mother suffers from severe…

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Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

A growth spurt, also sometimes called a breastfeeding crisis, is a response by the baby to a clear increase in milk demand. Your baby will now ask to breastfeed at all times and may be nervous, irritable, and seemingly insatiable. Coincidentally, these demand increases occur around the same time for all babies. This shows that it is a common, biological, and necessary behavior that most of us go through. Some mothers may not notice it, but most do, and it…

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Why does my defrosted breastmilk taste bad?

Why does my defrosted breastmilk taste bad?

“I took my pumped breastmilk out of the freezer and smelled it – it’s gone sour! It smells bad, and I think it’s gone off. I have a lot of frozen milk, will the rest be all the same? What should I do with it?” This is a question we receive frequently, and that causes a lot of concern. Because in these cases, the smell of the breastmilk is really unpleasant. So today, we explain what causes this change in…

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Tubular Breasts: What they are and how they can Affect Breastfeeding

Tubular Breasts: What they are and how they can Affect Breastfeeding

Tubular breasts are a structural malformation of the mammary gland that leads to an atypical mammary structure and can affect a woman’s ability to produce breastmilk. How to identify tubular breasts? Breasts that develop in this way can be identified with the naked eye due to their asymmetry and shape. They can develop in a conical shape, presenting clearly scarce breast tissue in the lower part of the breast, and areolas are exaggeratedly prominent or ringed. In addition, these breasts…

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Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Recently, a mother contacted us in our consultation channel because she was worried that she would be going bald. She was losing a lot of hair every day, and her hairdresser explained to her. that this was what happened to all breastfeeding mothers, that breastfeeding depleted the vitamins in the mother’s body and that this caused her hair problem. Apparently, breastfeeding seems to cause devastating hair loss during the baby’s first months, and mothers must take multivitamin supplements to reduce…

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How to prepare a feeding bottle properly

How to prepare a feeding bottle properly

Every woman should have all the information she may need in order to decide which breastfeeding experience she desires to have. Many women offer mixed feeding to their babies (breastfeeding plus artificial milk) so we think it is appropriate to talk today about how to prepare a feeding bottle. We don’t know if you’ve been up to date with the latest news about babies suffering from salmonellosis, as the formula they were drinking was contaminated with the bacteria. Artificial milk…

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How to choose the size of the breast pump funnel

How to choose the size of the breast pump funnel

How to choose the size of your breast pump funnel? The breast pump provokes feelings of love and hate for the mothers who use it. It can be a great ally to maintaining your breastfeeding journey, but it can also be torture, especially if you do not find a pump that suits you well. Getting the funnel size right is the key to a pleasant and effective breastmilk extraction. And just in the same way as you buy shoes in…

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When a milk top-up is necessary (supplementing)

When a milk top-up is necessary (supplementing)

Sometimes babies need additional milk, but many get “little top-ups” or are supplemented when they don’t need it. Supplementing milk is mostly associated with artificial milk, which can create problems for breastfeeding. Today, we will talk about supplementing additional milk to breastfeeding, when a milk top-up is necessary, if it is needed, and the best options of how to give them. What are “top-ups”, and what is supplementing? These are variable amounts of milk, which are given to the baby…

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Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy: when can weaning be necessary?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy is becoming more and more common. It is not easy for mothers, as they are likely to receive uninformed comments and opinions regarding the risk of breastfeeding while they are pregnant. None of this is true, and when everything goes well in the pregnancy, there is no reason to stop breastfeeding. But what if something goes wrong? Today, we want to see the other side of it and talk about the cases in which giving up breastfeeding…

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Breast milk storage: summary chart

Breast milk storage: summary chart

Handling and storing pumped breastmilk can be scary, but it’s much simpler than it sounds. However, many mothers have questions about it, so we summarize all of the essential information about how to store breastmilk. Fresh breast milk storage Fresh milk: In the fridge for 3 to 5 days. Fresh milk at room temperature (summer): 4 hours Fresh milk at room temperature (winter): 6 hours Fresh milk to be refrigerated and then frozen: No more than 24 hours in the…

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