My baby fights breastfeeding

My baby fights breastfeeding

It is very common for mothers to feel at some point during their breastfeeding journey that their baby fights breastfeeding.

When a baby behaves in this way and is fuzzy at the breast, all alarms immediately go off, and there are a thousand thoughts you could have related to this behavior: maybe I don’t have enough milk, my baby doesn’t like my milk, my baby rejects me or my baby doesn’t like it and so on.

When a baby does not want to breastfeed or seems to fight breastfeeding, there are many different circumstances that can cause this behavior. Here we offer you some ideas why a baby may refuse the breast, with additional information:

In addition to all of the above, think that the person your baby trusts the most is you. Many times, those small/big things that may happen to them will show up in their behavior when they are breastfeeding; it will not be anything serious, but they just trust you.

If you download our free breastfeeding and maternity app LactApp, you will find in the section ‘Latching difficulties’ information that can help you to understand what may be going on.

Do you need more help?

You can directly write a message to our lactation and maternity experts message through the Consultation Channel in the LactApp app, which you can download for free for Android or iPhone.

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