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Category: Lactancia

Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

When I became a mother and started going to breastfeeding support groups, a fact that surprised me a lot was that mastitis was called the “disease of the veterans.” The term “veterans” was used to refer to mothers with babies from 3 months of age, those who never had great difficulties with breastfeeding but who, at that point and without warning, suffered from mastitis. We used to say that these mastitis were caused by the mothers’ confidence: the baby slept…

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How to keep combination feeding

How to keep combination feeding

Combination feeding means feeding your baby a combination of breastmilk/breastfeeding and formula feeding. Whatever your reason for combination feeding, we want to help you to maintain it for as long as you want. Usually, two problems happen when you want to maintain mixed feeding and avoid giving up breastfeeding: So if your decision is to maintain combination feeding, you have to take into account these 4 basic guidelines: 1. Give the breast first Whenever possible, breastfeed first and leave formula…

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When breastmilk tastes salty

When breastmilk tastes salty

What if breastmilk tastes salty? Breast milk contains a large volume of lactose, which gives it a surprising and unmistakable sweet taste. However, under certain circumstances, it can change its taste from sweet to very salty. Many mothers have noticed this, which can be a reason for worry. Why does it happen? The cells where human milk is made are lined up side by side. During pregnancy and the first days of a baby’s life, these cells stay separate before…

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I have a lump in the breast: diagnostic tests and breastfeeding

I have a lump in the breast: diagnostic tests and breastfeeding

Suppose a nursing mother feels a lump in her breast. Once it has been ruled out that this is a circumstance related to breastfeeding, the mother should see a healthcare provider or gynecologist expert in breast pathologies and have the appropriate diagnostic tests. But when this process begins, many questions arise, and often, mothers are invited to stop breastfeeding altogether at this point, either before or during the tests. Today we answer the most common questions about this case, so…

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My baby won’t let go of my breast and feeds constantly

My baby won’t let go of my breast and feeds constantly

Mothers are told over and over again that breastfeeding needs to be offered on demand. What does this mean? Every time babies ask for or seem to want breast milk, you give them access to your breast so they can feed for as long as they need and as many times as they need, without any limits. What demand for breastfeeding can you expect from your baby? The expectations of breastfeeding demand you might have before becoming a mother are…

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From side to side: a never-ending tale

From side to side: a never-ending tale

When you are breastfeeding a newborn baby, you are the mother, and you are in charge. It may sound radical when you hear it like that, but what we mean is that it is you, the mother, who decides which breast to give your baby each time. Just by feeling both your breasts a little, you can simply decide which side’s turn it is. Your baby needs to follow your decision and take whatever side they are offered. If you…

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My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

The fountain in the picture is in the city of Nuremberg (Germany) and depicts the six Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity, Courage, Temperance, and Patience, crowned by the figure of Justice. All 6 statues have “milk” in the form of water coming out of their breasts and spraying out. Most women are worried about having too little breast milk, so this amount of milk is almost everyone’s dream: a free flow of milk sprays! Many mothers may wish for this, but…

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My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

Although you may have heard that babies breastfeed constantly, when your baby arrives, it may actually surprise you how often they nurse. Usually, we are simply not prepared for this! Babies breastfeed for many months, from 8 to 12 times in any 24 hours, which means that you will spend many hours with your baby glued to your breast. You also have to remember that babies take a long time to complete a feed during their first months. They can…

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Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Mothers often ask in the LactApp if it is okay to occasionally give their breastfed baby a bottle. Here we won’t talk about returning to (paid) work, which implies a change in family organization, but about those punctual times, when you need cover for a specific occasion: a meeting, a dinner with friends, a short visit, or a doctor’s appointment for example. Official WHO health guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. This means,…

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My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

“My daughter is one month old and exclusively breastfed. She has been doing strange things when she is breastfeeding for a few days, but before she used to fall asleep and be full. It has been one week now that she has been very restless; she rolls up, makes a lot of noises as if she wants to poop and strains, and sometimes she spits up milk. Then, when she is at the breast, she starts out very calm, but…

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