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Category: LactApp Medical En

Weight stagnation when breastfeeding is already established

Weight stagnation when breastfeeding is already established

Sometimes we find that the reason for a consultation is weight stagnation in infants who had previously had adequate weight gain for their age. When faced with these cases, it is important to make a thorough assessment of the situation, not only of breastfeeding but also of other reasons for this possible slow down of weight gain. It is also important to monitor changes in the infant’s behaviour. The mother’s sensations and perceptions can also provide us with valuable information….

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Nipple ischemia during breastfeeding

Nipple ischemia during breastfeeding

Nipple ischemia in breastfeeding (vasospasm) is a phenomenon that occurs in certain situations. Raynaud’s syndrome, or intermittent ischemia, typically affects the extremities of the body (fingers and toes). It occurs in 20% of women between 21 and 50 years of age. Its symptoms are blanching (becoming white) of the area (local vasoconstriction) followed by cyanotic discolouration, ending with erythema (local vasodilatation). Other added symptoms are pain, burning, numbness, pricking or stinging. Nipple ischemia during lactation is underestimated. It can occur after…

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Massage after frenectomy: review of a scientific publication

Massage after frenectomy: review of a scientific publication

Today we would like to discuss the topic of massage after frenotomy in this review of a scientific publication. Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) due to the presence of a short lingual frenulum is a fairly common occurrence in newborns, with an estimated overall incidence ranging from 4 to 16% (1,2). A frenotomy is a surgical procedure performed in infants when other less invasive treatments for tongue-tie, such as improving breastfeeding technique, promoting postures that allow a deep latch such as laid back…

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Breastfeeding Beginnings

Breastfeeding Beginnings

The beginnings of breastfeeding and the first hours of the infant are one of the topics that were discussed in the practical workshops of the I LactApp Medical Congress. In this article, we summarize the workshop of the LactApp midwife and breastfeeding expert Anna Manubens, who held the practical session ‘Assessment in the first hours’. In this workshop, we were able to get a very clear idea of the most important aspects to take into account when accompanying a mother-baby…

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Children’s Rights in Hospital

Children’s Rights in Hospital

The 13th of May marks the occasion of the International Day of the Hospitalized Child, so in this article, we would like to talk about the rights of hospitalized children. The hospitalization of a child can be a shock to families and their children. Additionally, if you are breastfeeding and/or have other children, this can be extremely difficult to manage. There are international agreements that protect hospitalized children and their families in this situation. The rights of hospitalized children are included in…

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BLW or pureed food: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW or pureed food: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW or pureed food: is there scientific evidence to support the benefits of one method over the other? If a few weeks ago we wrote about the scientific evidence of BLW in relation to breastfeeding, now we focus on reviewing the published scientific evidence on infant growth and food intake of BLW babies compared to traditional spoon-fed babies.  BLW or pureed food One of the biggest fears that both health care providers and families have about BLW is that infants…

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BLW and breastfeeding: what does the scientific evidence say?

BLW and breastfeeding: what does the scientific evidence say?

In this post we review what the scientific evidence says about BLW and breastfeeding. The Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) method allows the baby to feed itself in a self-regulated manner by eating autonomously with its hands and avoiding the traditional method of spooning pureed food. The method has multiple benefits compared to the traditional method of spooning pureed food.  One of the most important is that it might be more respectful with breastfeeding.  There are several published studies that have studied the…

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The “Linguinha” Test: Checking for Tongue-Tie is Law in Brazil

The “Linguinha” Test: Checking for Tongue-Tie is Law in Brazil

In 2014, the tongue-tie test was introduced by then-president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff by law according to which it became “mandatory to perform the Protocol for the Evaluation of the Lingual Frenulum in Babies, in all hospitals and maternity wards, in children born in their dependencies”. With this decision, Brazil became the first country in the world to offer this test in all maternity wards. Who created this so-called ‘tongue test’? The author is the Brazilian phono-audiologist Roberta Martinelli, vice-coordinator…

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Induced Lactation: How the Newman-Goldfarb Protocol was Born

Induced Lactation: How the Newman-Goldfarb Protocol was Born

In 2002, the renowned paediatrician Jack Newman and the physician, researcher and IBCLC Lenore Goldfarb laid the groundwork for the Newman-Goldfarb protocol for induced lactation. The goal of their method is to mimic the physiological hormonal situation of pregnancy in order to trigger breast modifications and the postpartum hormonal situation, necessary to achieve milk production and milk let-down. Goldfarb and Newman met in 1999 when the Canadian researcher was looking for a professional to accompany her own lactation induction. The…

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Milk production in women who use nipple shields during lactation

Milk production in women who use nipple shields during lactation

Recently, a study on the use of nipple shields in women with persistent nipple pain has been published. The study led by Dr Sharon Lisa Perrella, MD, has been published in the journal JOGNNN and under the title “Breast Milk Production in Women who use Nipple Shields for persistent nipple pain”.  The article focuses on understanding the association between the use of nipple shields and milk production. It starts from the hypothesis that pain could decrease the ejection reflex and…

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