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Category: Breastfeeding

First hours after C-section

First hours after C-section

Currently, one in five babies is born by C-section in the world, and although there is increasing knowledge about postpartum after this type of intervention, it is true that mothers may face similar difficulties, and myths may appear that could affect a good start to breastfeeding. Let’s speak about the main worries that mothers may have about the start of breastfeeding and the first hours after c-section. If I am given an anesthetic, do I have to wait to breastfeed?…

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10 tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump

10 tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump

Pumping milk with a breast pump is something that most mothers face at some point during breastfeeding. Whether you are going out for a few hours or going back to work and want to leave milk for your baby, here are some tricks to pump more milk with a breast pump. It’s always got to know some of the following tricks and even more so if these are getting you to express more milk. Here are some hints for getting…

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Plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome)and breastfeeding

Plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome)and breastfeeding

What is plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome? Plagiocephaly is an asymmetry of the baby’s head that occurs in about 10% of breastfed babies. Within the normal check-ups of the infant, several tests are performed to identify certain asymmetries, such as the folds of the thighs, among others. The same occurs in the head, where in addition to measuring the circumference to determine its correct growth in size, an asymmetry can be detected in its oblique axes, which is called postural…

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Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

A recurrent consultation at LactApp refers to the compatibility of tattoos and piercings with breastfeeding. Breast Piercings Let’s start with the piercings which are easier and shorter. During breastfeeding or pregnancy is not recommended to perform any type of perforation to the nipple because of the risk of infection and the pain it can cause. If you have a piercing in the nipple and want to breastfeed, do not have doubts, the answer is yes, you can breastfeed. You should…

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How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

“Hi, I’m a new mother, and I have a doubt: how can I know that breastfeeding is already well established? All those we consult tell us what happens between the fourth and sixth week of the baby’s life, others that after 15 days it is already established… How can we know if breastfeeding goes well?” We will try to explain what we mean by the concept of “established breastfeeding”. The first thing we need to know is that babies learn…

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How to know that everything is going well the first few days

How to know that everything is going well the first few days

Any mother could feel anxious about the first days of breastfeeding when everything is new, and we are invaded by doubts and fears. In this post, we talk about what we can pay attention at the first few days after the birth of our baby and that it will let you know how things are going. Pain: For the first 15-17 days, when your baby latches on to your breast, you may feel a pinching sensation, which should not last…

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My exclusive pumping with my two babies

My exclusive pumping with my two babies

“Before becoming pregnant I had already been reading about breastfeeding, but I had read little about offering expressed breast milk until we were told that we were going to be parents of two babies. Researching about tandem breastfeeding, I began to see things about pumped breast milk, especially to give a little break to the mother with two babies. At that time I didn’t completely rule out this possibility, but I did continue to be in the lead in doing…

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Colostrum – a treasure

Colostrum – a treasure

Some cultures have considered — and some alarmingly still do — that colostrum is useless or bad and should therefore be avoided. In these cases, babies have even been left for several hours, sometimes days, without eating anything at all or were fed with traditional preparations. But nothing could be further from the truth since colostrum is unique liquid gold, perfectly adapted to the specific needs of a newborn baby. Colostrum begins to appear between 12-16 weeks of pregnancy and…

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Letter to daddy: is breastfeeding only a thing for two?

Letter to daddy: is breastfeeding only a thing for two?

Breastfeeding is not a type of parenting. Breastfeeding is the natural way to raise your baby, the first 6 months exclusively, from there with other foods. What does this mean? It means that although the breasts are the mother’s and the suckling belongs to the baby, breastfeeding must be 100% supported by the partner, the family, and society as a whole. Why? Because it is a question of humanity. Because that is what human biology needs because breastfeeding in the…

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Everything you need to know about nipple shields

Everything you need to know about nipple shields

A few years ago, nipple shields were kind of like the devil. The rule was “take out the nipple shields”, and we encouraged all mothers to remove them as soon as possible. The nipple shields used a few years ago have nothing to do with today’s nipple shields, and that type of nipple shield did endanger breastfeeding. Why? The oldest nipple shields were made of materials as varied as glass, silver or ivory. Nipple shields from the 70s and 80s…

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