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Tag: app-en

Covid-19 Vaccine Antibodies Pass Into Breastmilk

Covid-19 Vaccine Antibodies Pass Into Breastmilk

COVID-19 vaccine antibodies pass into lactating mothers’ breastmilk. The results of the study that LactApp has carried out together with the Spanish Institue of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), a center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), are now available and have determined that breastmilk of women vaccinated against coronavirus contains antibodies against Covid-19. The study did not find any traces of the virus in any of the milk samples tested, which do have specific antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. All…

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Medication to stop breastfeeding

Medication to stop breastfeeding

We receive many questions about medication to stop breastfeeding, so we thought we dive deep into the topic and give you more information. Here, our experts answer the most frequently asked questions related to taking tablets to cut off your milk supply. How can I make my breast milk dry up? The first thing you need to know is that breastmilk does not just dry up. Your production may decrease, but it takes years for breastmilk to completely disappear. When…

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“How I achieved exclusive breastfeeding after a tongue-tie, nipple shields, and power pumping”- My Story

“How I achieved exclusive breastfeeding after a tongue-tie, nipple shields, and power pumping”- My Story

After a frenectomy that caused her daughter to reject the breast and after going through nipple shields, mixed feeding, and power pumping, Sara managed to exclusively breastfeed her daughter. This is what she wrote us to tell her story. If you would like to send us yours, you can do so by emailing us at [email protected]. I knew my baby Paula was going to come into our lives and change it completely. However, I never imagined it would be so…

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Covid-19 Vaccine and Breastfeeding

Covid-19 Vaccine and Breastfeeding

Updated December 22, 2020 Recently we have had many consultations about the compatibility of the COVID-19 vaccine with breastfeeding. In some countries like the UK it has already been given to certain groups of people, such as health professionals or people who are at increased risk. If you have been recommended the vaccine because of your personal situation/condition and you are breastfeeding, is the vaccine compatible with breastfeeding? On 21/12/2020 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published on the safety…

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LactApp Publishes Scientific Research

LactApp Publishes Scientific Research

At LactApp we have taken a further step in our efforts to improve the experience for breastfeeding mothers and we would like to share this with you. We have set up a research team on lactation, a field in which we believe there is a lot to contribute. One of our goals is to study the usefulness of our app for breastfeeding mothers, so we have carried out research based on the use of the app by our users during…

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What Our Users Say

What Our Users Say

It has been a little while since our previous user survey, so last month we launched a short customer survey to understand the impact our App had on our users (or as we call them, our “usuarias”, the feminine version of users). We created a short google form and asked them to help us out in one of our blog posts in the Spanish version, which is automatically linked to our in-app content. We then also promoted it in our…

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Would you like your personal maternity picture being featured inside our App and reflect real motherhood? LactApp is a beautiful project that has grown so much thanks to each and every one of you. Since the first version of the app was released on October 1st, 2015, a lot has happened. Women from many corners of the world have come to us for answers and shared their concerns and joys with us, making LactApp more open and inclusive. LactApp is…

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Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

There are many curious myths about breastfeeding. Most of them are absurd, and if you stop to reflect, you will see that they don’t make any sense, so today, we will debunk 10 of them. 1. You cannot drink water while you are breastfeeding. This myth says that if you drink water while you are breastfeeding, the milk will become watery, or you will produce too much milk. There isn’t any reasoning behind this statement. As we have said before,…

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How to Give a Bottle the Baby-Led Way: Paced Bottle Feeding

How to Give a Bottle the Baby-Led Way: Paced Bottle Feeding

When we think of giving a baby milk other than breastfeeding, the first thing that comes to mind is a bottle, but have you heard of paced bottle-feeding? The bottle as a method of feeding and its content, in the case of artificial formula, can interfere with your breastfeeding journey and cause difficulties. Your baby may end up rejecting the breast afterward. Even though nipple confusion is a controversial topic, we often see babies who have difficulty sucking at the…

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Breastfeeding from one or both sides?

Breastfeeding from one or both sides?

One of the most common questions for any mother who starts breastfeeding is: should I be breastfeeding from one or both sides of the breast at each feeding session? We have two breasts, and there are a few things you should know before we begin to give answers: each breast has its own independent milk production, and many mothers and babies prefer one of the two breasts. Each breast can produce an extra 33%, and a baby can maintain breastfeeding…

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