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Tag: app-en

Night weaning with the father/partner method

Night weaning with the father/partner method

When your baby is over one year old, and you consider weaning during the night, one often suggested option you can try is the partner method. Sometimes it is also referred to as the father method. This mostly means that your partner cares for the baby during the night feeds. And you might think that that’s all there is to it. But there’s a lot more to say about it and many things you both should know to prepare for…

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How to choose a breast pump

How to choose a breast pump

Mothers often ask us for recommendations on choosing a breast pump, what brand, or what specific model. But to know which one to choose, first of all, you need to ask yourself some questions and take into account the use you want to make of it and what is yourspecific situation. When choosing a breast pump, you must ask yourself what you plan to use it for. You may need a breast pump for very different situations, such as: There…

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Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Recently, a mother contacted us in our consultation channel because she was worried that she would be going bald. She was losing a lot of hair every day, and her hairdresser explained to her. that this was what happened to all breastfeeding mothers, that breastfeeding depleted the vitamins in the mother’s body and that this caused her hair problem. Apparently, breastfeeding seems to cause devastating hair loss during the baby’s first months, and mothers must take multivitamin supplements to reduce…

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“What are you doing with this baby in the Emergency Room?” – Your story

“What are you doing with this baby in the Emergency Room?” – Your story

“My daughter was born in August, and it was the happiest day of my life. From that moment on, everything has been a learning process, with many worries and questions but also with many joys, surprises, and new discoveries. Breastfeeding has gone well from the start, and at night, I really can’t complain, she only asks to breastfeed twice, and then we continue to sleep together. But then there was my health, which according to my midwife, has suffered due…

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Breastfeeding positioning, attachment and latch

Breastfeeding positioning, attachment and latch

Positioning, attachment and a correct latch onto the breast are key to achieving a pleasant and effective breastfeeding journey. In this article, we will try to answer your most common questions. But first of all, let’s define what we mean by each one of these concepts: Positioning (or breastfeeding position): this is how the mother places herself to breastfeed; there are a thousand different positions, all of which are valid if the mother is comfortable. Attachment: This is how we…

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Ban bottles in the hospital to promote breastfeeding?

Ban bottles in the hospital to promote breastfeeding?

Two hospitals in Mexico – Hospital Universitario and Hospital General de Saltillo, in Coahuila – have been recently in the news for banning the entry of all baby bottles, pacifiers, formula milk, and breast pumps to families with babies born or admitted into their facilities. Families and visitors will not be able to access the hospital with any of these items, and if they do bring them, they must be deposited in a box at the entrance, as seen in…

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11 most frequently asked questions during the first trimester of pregnancy

11 most frequently asked questions during the first trimester of pregnancy

When we realize we are pregnant, we may have a lot of doubts. Let’s answer the most common ones. When should I make an appointment for pregnancy monitoring?Although it depends on each place, it seems that it is usually recommended to make the first visit to the midwife or gynecologist at 7 or 9 weeks of gestation, to inform you about the monitoring of pregnancy and schedule all the tests of the first trimester. What tests will I undergo in…

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The biting stage in breastfeeding

The biting stage in breastfeeding

“My baby is 8 months old. He has started to bite me, and now I’m scared to breastfeed him. I don’t know what I should do to stop him from doing this, and, most of all, I don’t want to stop breastfeeding. Is there a solution to prevent biting?” Almost all mothers will experience some biting during the course of their breastfeeding journey. Some people think that this stage marks the time of weaning and that if the baby has…

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Smoking during breastfeeding: is it better to stop?

Smoking during breastfeeding: is it better to stop?

Let’s talk about smoking during breastfeeding. No one doubts that smoking is a toxic habit and that tobacco addiction represents a major health risk for the smoker. It also affects those around you if you don’t take precautions, turning them into passive smokers. But what happens during pregnancy and breastfeeding? A big question that arises is what to do if you want to continue smoking while breastfeeding. What is better: to continue breastfeeding or give artificial milk to the baby?…

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