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Breastfeeding evolves with your baby

Breastfeeding evolves with your baby

Babies grow, and every day, they do different things; they develop, they advance their learning, they surprise us, and they constantly change. And you can watch them while this happens day by day. Maybe before becoming a mother, you didn’t know how babies will change month by month, but everyone knows that a newborn does not do the same things as a 6-month-old baby. What about breastfeeding? We are often asked if a specific breastfeeding behavior at a certain age…

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What should you eat when breastfeeding?

What should you eat when breastfeeding?

Many women are worried about their nutrition after birth: how does the mother’s diet affect breastfeeding? Many women have been given different advice: ” You need to drink a lot of milk to get more milk,” “You need to eat calcium-rich food, so you don’t run out of milk,” “Be careful with beans, because the baby will get gas,” “Don’t drink lemon, because your milk will dry up,” and so we could continue the endless list. So what’s the truth…

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Your baby’s second night

Your baby’s second night

When babies are born, they first breastfeed a little and get to know their mother skin-to-skin, and then they fall into a deep, restful sleep, which in medical terms is called a state of lethargy. This is the ideal time to get some rest as well, so try to sleep for a few hours. It’s important that you recover from the effort of giving birth and save your energy for the following days. Because when you start out breastfeeding, it’s…

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Eating nuts and breastfeeding

Eating nuts and breastfeeding

Eating nuts and dried fruits is a recommendation often given to breastfeeding mothers. In fact, some people believe that eating plenty of nuts will increase a mother´s milk supply. Is this true, or another myth? What are nuts and dried fruits? Nuts are a type of food that comes from a variety of plants and trees and are distinguished by having a hard shell that protects the seed inside. These seeds are rich in nutrients and healthy fats, making them…

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My story: “I was losing confidence in myself”

My story: “I was losing confidence in myself”

Today we share with you the breastfeeding story of a user whose problems with breastfeeding made her doubt her instincts: “I was losing confidence in myself.” | If you also want to share your story with our readers and app users, please send it over to [email protected].   Every day was a battle. I was convinced I would be breastfeeding my daughter, and the first few days seemed to be going great. The healthcare professionals told me the latch was…

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How can I tell if my baby’s latch is good?

How can I tell if my baby’s latch is good?

Over and over again, we hear the same question: “Why am I in pain if they tell me my baby is latching on well? The main causes of breastfeeding pain for mothers are: Incorrect breastfeeding positioning: the baby’s body has to maintain a straight line: the ear, shoulder, and hip must remain aligned regardless of the position chosen for breastfeeding. Incorrect posture: each breast is different, and for this reason, you should try to trace an imaginary line from the center…

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Flying without your baby with breast milk in your hand luggage

Flying without your baby with breast milk in your hand luggage

When you are breastfeeding and have to fly without your baby, your breast pump will be your best friend. But flying with breast milk in your hand luggage is not always allowed when you don’t travel with your baby. A Mexican congresswoman has put this issue on the table in her country with an initiative that calls for this to be allowed. In Mexico, pumped breast milk can only be transported when flying with a baby. Otherwise, it must be…

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The 9 most frequently asked questions during the second trimester of pregnancy

The 9 most frequently asked questions during the second trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester of your pregnancy, the questions that arise during the process change. Let’s answer the most frequently asked questions: When will I notice my pregnant belly? If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel that your belly doesn’t show. This is very common. The uterus, which will multiply its size at the end of pregnancy by 500 (500!), is growing slowly. To give you an idea, in week 12 of pregnancy, your uterus has not yet…

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New breast pumping law in the US: the PUMP Act explained

New breast pumping law in the US: the PUMP Act explained

For the first time in 13 years, the United States Congress has passed a new law to support breastfeeding and working mothers: the PUMP Act or Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act. This legislation extends breastfeeding protection at work to more than 9 million employees who were unprotected under the previous law, which did not cover all sectors. Which employees are covered by the Pump Act? The vast majority, as long as they work in a company with…

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The transition from breastfeeding to food from one year onwards

The transition from breastfeeding to food from one year onwards

After 12 months, do you breastfeed before or after solid food? How do you transition from breastfeeding to food? What happens if your child prefers breastmilk? How and when do you make the transition from breastfeeding to complementary feeding and introducing solids? You can start including solid food in your child’s diet from 6 months of a baby’s life or whenever your child is ready. These foods complement breastmilk, which is why they are known as complementary feeding, so the…

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