“Postnatal women still exist during the holidays”
Here we share the experience of a new mother during the holiday season. Postnatal women still exist during the holidays.
Here we share the experience of a new mother during the holiday season. Postnatal women still exist during the holidays.
Let’s talk about smoking during breastfeeding. No one doubts that smoking is a toxic habit and that tobacco addiction represents a major health risk for the smoker. It also affects those around you if you don’t take precautions, turning them into passive smokers. But what happens during pregnancy and breastfeeding? A big question that arises is what to do if you want to continue smoking while breastfeeding. What is better: to continue breastfeeding or give artificial milk to the baby?…
We get many queries related to alcohol consumption and breastfeeding. This is not an easy topic to address, and mothers who seek information about drinking alcohol when breastfeeding find contradictory messages and different information depending on where they live. Here, we are trying to shed some light on the subject by providing different aspects and publications from reputable organizations so that each mother can make her own decision with the information in hand. The consumption of alcohol Before exposing the…
Babies grow up, and there comes a time when they are ready to start trying new foods in addition to breast milk. Some babies and children show an enormous interest in food and experimenting with new tastes; others show less interest in solid foods or directly reject them and are picky eaters. It is important to know that little or no interest in eating (or small amounts) in a one-year-old or older may be related to specific times in the…
Breastfeeding and sleep – are they connected? Why doesn’t my baby sleep better? Will they start sleeping better if I wean? Is there anything I can do to improve their sleep? When your baby wakes up what seems to be a thousand times a night and doesn’t allow you to rest, these questions often come up. Fact: babies must wake up. It is healthy and safe for them to do so. But for us and our bodies to rest, whether…
After a previous pregnancy with a lot of complications in the first trimester, in this pregnancy, when I passed the 13th week, the truth is that I relaxed a lot, I thought everything was going to go smoothly until delivery. In fact, I started to get informed about the birth plan places where to give birth. And suddenly, the second-trimester blood test came back: BOOM! Gestational diabetes. I remember that I went to tell my partner in tears; my words…
Bronchiolitis is a rather frequent lung infection during winter months in infants and toddlers. It causes inflammation and congestion in the smaller branches of the bronchial airways (bronchioles). In most cases, bronchiolitis is caused by a virus such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the rhinovirus, or the influenza (flu) virus, among others. It begins as a cold (mucus, sneezing, sore throat, slight fever) and from the fourth day on, it spreads to the bronchi. This stage usually lasts between…
The best way for our babies to drink breast milk is through our breasts, but sometimes, for example, when you have to go back to work, we can’t be by their side. Different methods of feeding or supplementing will allow you to continue to give them your breastmilk. When thinking of ways to feed your baby expressed breastmilk or formula, the first thing you might think of is a bottle. But in reality, the bottle is a method of feeding…
The Lip Out technique, developed by the pediatric physiotherapist and IBCLC and director of Grupo Aúpale, José García Morales, is a diagnostic and treatment tool for breast latch sealing during breastfeeding. José García, trained in this technique in the LactApp Updates. This article summarizes the first part of the session. The Lip Out, which we remind you, consists of removing the infant’s lower lip in order to observe the tongue and assess whether it is able to maintain the vacuum….
Last February a lactation update session for professionals entitled “Physiotherapy in BF, Lip Out as a diagnostic tool and treatment of the seal” took place in LactApp. It was given by José Luís García-Morales, pediatric physiotherapist, IBCLC and director of Grupo Aúpale. Lip Out refers to an evaluation technique and treatment of the alterations that the tongue may present in the oral sealing function for breastfeeding. The technique consists of removing the infant’s lower lip in order to observe the tongue and…