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Author: LactApp

11 most frequently asked questions during the first trimester of pregnancy

11 most frequently asked questions during the first trimester of pregnancy

When we realize we are pregnant, we may have a lot of doubts. Let’s answer the most common ones. When should I make an appointment for pregnancy monitoring?Although it depends on each place, it seems that it is usually recommended to make the first visit to the midwife or gynecologist at 7 or 9 weeks of gestation, to inform you about the monitoring of pregnancy and schedule all the tests of the first trimester. What tests will I undergo in…

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Can I drink alcohol when breastfeeding?

Can I drink alcohol when breastfeeding?

We get many queries related to alcohol consumption and breastfeeding. This is not an easy topic to address, and mothers who seek information about drinking alcohol when breastfeeding find contradictory messages and different information depending on where they live. Here we are trying to shed some light on the subject by providing different aspects and publications of reputable organizations so that each mother can make her own decision with the information in hand. The consumption of alcohol Before exposing the…

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Is your child a picky eater? Here are some tips

Is your child a picky eater? Here are some tips

Babies grow up, and there comes a time when they are ready to start trying new foods in addition to breast milk. Some babies and children show an enormous interest in food and experimenting with new tastes; others show less interest in solid foods or directly reject them and are picky eaters.  It is important to know that little or no interest in eating (or small amounts) in a one-year-old or older may be related to specific times in the…

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“It wasn’t hard to get something positive out of it” Gestational Diabetes Story

“It wasn’t hard to get something positive out of it” Gestational Diabetes Story

After a previous pregnancy with a lot of complications in the first trimester, in this pregnancy, when I passed the 13th week, the truth is that I relaxed a lot, I thought everything was going to go smoothly until delivery. In fact, I started to get informed about the birth plan places where to give birth. And suddenly, the second-trimester blood test came back: BOOM! Gestational diabetes.  I remember that I went to tell my partner in tears; my words…

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Bronchiolitis and breastfeeding

Bronchiolitis and breastfeeding

Bronchiolitis is a rather frequent lung infection during winter months in infants and toddlers. It causes inflammation and congestion in the smaller branches of the bronchial airways (bronchioles). In most cases, bronchiolitis is caused by a virus such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the rhinovirus, or the influenza (flu) virus, among others. It begins as a cold (mucus, sneezing, sore throat, slight fever) and from the fourth day on, it spreads to the bronchi. This stage usually lasts between…

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5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

The best way for our babies to drink breast milk is through our breasts, but sometimes, for example, when you have to go back to work, we can’t be by their side. Different methods of feeding or supplementing will allow you to continue to give them your breastmilk. When thinking of ways to feed your baby expressed breastmilk or formula, the first thing you might think of is a bottle. But in reality, the bottle is a method of feeding…

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Hypogalactia: How to Identify it and how to Accompany it?

Hypogalactia: How to Identify it and how to Accompany it?

Hypogalactia is defined as insufficient milk supply to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. A woman may have milk secretion, but this may not be sufficient, and she may need supplementation for the correct feeding of the infant. Studies indicate that 36% of mothers attribute the end of breastfeeding to a lack of milk supply. In reality, in the majority of cases, this is only a perception and is not confirmed, but genuine hypogalactia exists in 5% of mothers either due to anatomical variations…

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The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

When a baby needs to receive additional milk, whether breastmilk or artificial milk, we always think of a bottle as the only way to do it. And of course, you can offer milk in a bottle, you just need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each supplementing method. In this post, we will explain the finger-syringe technique. What advantages does it have over other methods? The finger-syringe method is ideal for training babies’ suckling motions. It allows your baby…

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Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

The first week of May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, so let’s talk about emotions and partnership and how parenting can distance. What emotions do you feel when your partner does not parent as you expected? How does it affect you? Maybe during nine months of pregnancy, you have prepared yourself consciously to raise your child together. And then, when your baby arrives, you find that your partner does not meet the expectations you had or that his parenting…

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Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

In this article, we will explain what mixed feeding or combination feeding is and how it can be maintained. Mixed feeding is when the baby is fed by a combination of breastmilk and bottle feeding. There are many reasons why you might choose to combine both ways. Whatever your reason, here we will explain some important issues to keep in mind that can help you to solve some of the most common problems. If you would like to maintain mixed…

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