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Author: LactApp

Safe co-sleeping and breastfeeding

Safe co-sleeping and breastfeeding

How should I sleep with my baby? Frequently asked questions about co-sleeping and bed-sharing Many LactApp users have asked about babies and sleep, and it’s no surprise that nighttime, co-sleeping, and breastfeeding are two of the issues that most concern families with children up to 3 years old.   So today, we will talk about co-sleeping and bed-sharing. This is a surprisingly controversial topic in Western culture, both for families and the scientific community, despite the fact that major health…

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Can I go to the dentist if I am breastfeeding?

Can I go to the dentist if I am breastfeeding?

Going to the dentist and having a good dental hygiene routine are always important to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. And during the breastfeeding period, this is just as important, or even more so, than at any other stage of our lives. But can I go to the dentist if I am breastfeeding? There are still many misconceptions and a lack of information about what to do and what not to do while breastfeeding. We received many questions on this…

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Breast compression technique

Breast compression technique

Breast compression is a simple technique that can help improve milk flow and transfer when there are difficulties with breastfeeding. It consists of continuous compression of the breast of the breastfeeding person so that the infant’s suckling is usually more effective. Breast compression techniques can help in different situations, such as: Infants with difficulties in gaining weight Infants with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) or low birth weight Newborns that are very sleepy or present immature suckling – to prevent difficulties in milk transfer. During…

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First hours in breastfeeding

First hours in breastfeeding

The first hours of life are important for the initiation, establishment, and maintenance of breastfeeding. It has been widely demonstrated. What makes it so important? The first latch creates a lasting impact on the newborn in the way they latch onto and suckle at the breast. As for early initiation, although it has not been explicitly evaluated, evidence suggests that there are positive benefits that influence higher breastfeeding rates at discharge and in its duration. As healthcare professionals, how can we…

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Fasting recommendations for breastfed infants and children

Fasting recommendations for breastfed infants and children

Sometimes, it is necessary to perform medical procedures on infants or young children that require fasting beforehand, mainly for procedures under sedation or anesthesia. These procedures include performing certain diagnostic tests that require immobility or are painful, certain treatments or surgical interventions. The main reason for recommending fasting is to avoid bronchoaspiration of regurgitated gastric contents with potentially serious consequences. Other procedures do not require fasting beforehand, even though in some interventions they are still recommended, but in fact, it has…

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When postpartum bleeding returns – the parting bleeding

When postpartum bleeding returns – the parting bleeding

During pregnancy, we tend to prepare a lot for the birth, its process, and the baby’s first days, but how will the first postpartum days be for the mother and what about the postpartum bleeding? Today, we talk about the bleeding that we can expect in the postpartum period and how to know if it is normal for new bleeding to appear during the first six weeks after birth. Lochia, the first vaginal bleeding after childbirth Let’s go by step;…

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Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Families are often worried about their baby’s poop when they have a newborn: about appearance, smell, texture and amount of poop. When first getting into the wonderful world of baby poop, we realize that there is a huge palette of possible colors that makes you doubt each change of color, so here we explain one by one each of the possibilities with this color “palette” of poop. It may seem unbelievable, but from the first week after birth, baby poop…

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Nipple ischemia: three possible causes

Nipple ischemia: three possible causes

“It all begins at the end of the feed. My nipple turns white and starts hurting. It hurts a lot and I don’t know what it is. Then, when I am in the shower or go outside and it is cold, the pain comes back again. What can it be?“ What this mother is describing is called nipple ischemia, which is a lack of blood supply that can cause a lot of pain. Ischemia can occur for many different reasons,…

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How safe is baby-led weaning?

How safe is baby-led weaning?

How safe is BLW? One of the biggest fears with Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) for both, families and healthcare professionals, is the risk of choking. It is sometimes perceived that this method might lead to more choking incidents in babies who are fed solid pieces of food from day one without being spoon-fed. For this reason, much research on BLW has focused on whether or not this method of initiation of complementary feeding increases the risk of choking or suffocation.  Kahraman…

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How to survive the Holidays when you are breastfeeding

How to survive the Holidays when you are breastfeeding

It’s the time of Christmas, holidays, and New Year celebrations, and many of you will see family and friends, go to parties, get-togethers, and other celebrations. But are you ready for what’s to come? It makes no difference whether you are a breastfeeding or bottle-feeding mother, bring your baby in a sling, baby carrier, pram, or stroller. When you go to meals, engagements, and celebrations with a baby that inevitably becomes the center of attention, it’s difficult not to receive…

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