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Tag: pro-en

Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth is a method that allows small amounts of colostrum to be collected during pregnancy, which, after the birth of the baby, can be given if necessary. This avoids the use of formula milk when supplementing is necessary. History of colostrum harvesting Although this may seem to be a fairly recent method, it is not. Until the late seventies and eighties, all women were encouraged to collect colostrum in the final stages of their pregnancy. Historically, the…

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Nipple eczema

Nipple eczema

Definition Nipple eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythema, inflammation, papules, vesicles, exudates, and crusts. Lichenification, skin erosion, fissures, excoriations, and desquamation can also be observed in the area of the nipple and/or areola.  This definition covers several types of dermatitis (seborrheic and atopic) and irritation or hypersensitivity at contact. In addition, this lesion often occurs concomitantly with Staphylococcus aureus skin infections. Symptoms of nipple eczema Symptoms commonly manifested by women who suffer from it are itching, burning, and…

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Treatment of vaginal prolapse with pelvic floor physiotherapy

Treatment of vaginal prolapse with pelvic floor physiotherapy

Carolina Solá is a physiotherapist specializing in pelvic floor health. In this article, she explains the approach to vaginal prolapse from a physiotherapy perspective. What is prolapse, and how is it classified? Pelvic prolapse is a common pathology; its prevalence and severity increase with age. We speak of prolapse if one or more of the anterior and posterior vaginal walls are descending. Although there is usually one main organ affected, by modifying the internal distribution of the viscera, the other…

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Premature newborn management from a logopedic perspective

Premature newborn management from a logopedic perspective

Andrea Valles, a neonatal logopedic (speech therapist), writes this post about the logopedic treatment of premature newborns.On November 14, 2024, LactApp held a specialized training in neonatal logopaedics, focused on logopaedic treatment applied to the premature newborn. This course, aimed at speech therapists (logopedists) and health professionals, focused on the importance of early intervention and how logopedics can improve the oral feeding of premature infants, a group particularly vulnerable to alterations in their oral and motor functions. Early intervention The…

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Oral aversion after tongue-tie release (frenectomy)

Oral aversion after tongue-tie release (frenectomy)

Oral aversion after frenectomy, or tongue-tie release, is one of the most common complications in the care of ankyloglossia. In this post, we are going to talk about this situation and provide tools on how to deal with it. Incidence of oral aversion A baby’s mouth is not only intended to receive food; but it is a fundamental part of their learning process, which will allow them to get familiar with their body and set limits, and also, as they…

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Black Breastfeeding Week 2024

Black Breastfeeding Week 2024

“Breastfeeding is a radical act of reclaiming our health, our bodies, and our future.” August 25th to 31st marks Black Breastfeeding Week 2024, the last week of Breastfeeding Awareness Month. In the US, but also in the UK, black mothers experience significantly worse health outcomes during their pregnancy and childbirth, and breastfeeding rates in the US are also lower amongst these communities. According to Kimberly Seals Allers, black author and activist’s book “The Big Let Down – How Medicine, Big…

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Galactocele: what it is and how it can affect breastfeeding

Galactocele: what it is and how it can affect breastfeeding

A galactocele is a benign process that can occur during breastfeeding and appears as a lump in the breast. What is a galactocele, and why does it appear? A galactocele is an accumulation of lipid material from breast milk outside the mammary ducts. A small cyst is formed, which is retained within the mammary stroma and has no exit to the nipple. It can be of variable size and can appear in any area of the breast. It can appear…

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Breast compression technique

Breast compression technique

Breast compression is a simple technique that can help improve milk flow and transfer when there are difficulties with breastfeeding. It consists of continuous compression of the breast of the breastfeeding person so that the infant’s suckling is usually more effective. Breast compression techniques can help in different situations, such as: Infants with difficulties in gaining weight Infants with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) or low birth weight Newborns that are very sleepy or present immature suckling – to prevent difficulties in milk transfer. During…

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Dwarfism (achondroplasia) and breastfeeding

Dwarfism (achondroplasia) and breastfeeding

Introduction Every year, on October 25, International Dwarfism and Achondroplasia Awareness Day is celebrated to spread information and raise awareness about the reality of people affected by different pathologies affecting their growth. In this article, we will focus on breastfeeding children with achondroplasia, a type of bone dysplasia caused by a genetic disorder that is the leading cause of dwarfism. However, some situations described below may also apply to different types of bone dysplasia in infants and children. Achondroplasia is…

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First hours in breastfeeding

First hours in breastfeeding

The first hours of life are important for the initiation, establishment, and maintenance of breastfeeding. It has been widely demonstrated. What makes it so important? The first latch creates a lasting impact on the newborn in the way they latch onto and suckle at the breast. As for early initiation, although it has not been explicitly evaluated, evidence suggests that there are positive benefits that influence higher breastfeeding rates at discharge and in its duration. As healthcare professionals, how can we…

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