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Tag: mastitis

Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

Is it possible to have mastitis in an established breastfeeding?

When I became a mother and started going to breastfeeding support groups, a fact that surprised me a lot was that mastitis was called the “disease of the veterans.” The term “veterans” was used to refer to mothers with babies from 3 months of age, those who never had great difficulties with breastfeeding but who, at that point and without warning, suffered from mastitis. We used to say that these mastitis were caused by the mothers’ confidence: the baby slept…

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When breastmilk tastes salty

When breastmilk tastes salty

What if breastmilk tastes salty? Breast milk contains a large volume of lactose, which gives it a surprising and unmistakable sweet taste. However, under certain circumstances, it can change its taste from sweet to very salty. Many mothers have noticed this, which can be a reason for worry. Why does it happen? The cells where human milk is made are lined up side by side. During pregnancy and the first days of a baby’s life, these cells stay separate before…

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Stages of a breast abscess

Stages of a breast abscess

A breast abscess is the most serious complication a mother can experience during lactation. An abscess is usually produced by a poor resolution of mastitis, which is why it is very important to effectively treat mastitis or any sign of infection in the breast. A breast abscess develops over time, so sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether the lump a mother notices in her breast is an abscess or not. In this article, we have divided the possible evolution…

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Prickling and burning breast pain – subacute mastitis?

Prickling and burning breast pain – subacute mastitis?

What is subacute mastitis? We are often contacted by women who, for days or weeks (or even months!), have had a stinging feeling in their nipple, especially at the beginning of the feed and right after it. Sometimes, there is also pain in the breast and a prickling feeling that moves towards the ribs. The nipples are often pinker than usual, and, in some cases, milk blisters or wounds appear that don’t heal or that come and go. All these…

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Complications in breastfeeding

Complications in breastfeeding

Although it is well known that breastfeeding should never be painful, pain continues to be one of the leading causes of weaning among nursing mothers. When complications appear during breastfeeding, such as engorgement, ductal obstructions, acute mastitis, or an abscess, a proper differential diagnosis must be made in order to be able to manage them correctly. At the end of this article, there is an infographic to support professionals who accompany breastfeeding and its processes. This should help diagnose and…

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Antibiotics and Mastitis: New ABM Protocol

Antibiotics and Mastitis: New ABM Protocol

Regarding the relationship between antibiotics and mastitis, changes have been introduced in the new mastitis protocol of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM), which we have already previously discussed here and here. In previous posts, we reviewed the differences between the old ABM mastitis protocol (ABM Clinical Protocol #4 Mastitis) (1) and the new protocol update published this year (ABM Protocol #36: The Mastitis Spectrum) (2). In the first article, we compared the update on the definition of mastitis and…

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New ABM recommendations on mastitis

New ABM recommendations on mastitis

In the previous blog article, we reviewed the differences in the definition of mastitis between the new ABM protocol on mastitis (protocol #36: The Mastitis Spectrum) and the old protocol (#4: Mastitis). In this article, we summarise the changes or updates from the new protocol on the recommendations for the management of mastitis and its different related disorders. It should be noted that the new protocol provides general and specific recommendations for all possible conditions within the mastitis spectrum. This…

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The ABM protocol on mastitis

The ABM protocol on mastitis

The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) publishes protocols to make it easier for health care professionals who care for breastfeeding mothers to stay up-to-date and promote best practices in care for breastfeeding mothers and their children. In 2014 the Academy published a protocol on mastitis, the ABM Clinical Protocol #4: Mastitis (1), written by Dr Lisa Amir, who has also been one of the speakers in the 1st LactApp Medical Congress last May. This year, the ABM has published a…

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How to Avoid Mastitis during Weaning

How to Avoid Mastitis during Weaning

One of the causes of mastitis is poor drainage from the breast during weaning. Therefore, it is important that specific instructions are followed when reducing the amount of milk that is produced during weaning. *When suffering mastitis it is very important to continue to drain the breast. For this reason, it is not recommended to wean children from the breast during this time. How to wean from the breast correctly for the mammary gland Weaning is the process according to…

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