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Tag: app-en

5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

The best way for our babies to drink breast milk is through our breasts, but sometimes, for example, when you have to go back to work, we can’t be by their side. Different methods of feeding or supplementing will allow you to continue to give them your breastmilk. When thinking of ways to feed your baby expressed breastmilk or formula, the first thing you might think of is a bottle. But in reality, the bottle is a method of feeding…

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Your baby’s growth spurt at 15-20 days

Your baby’s growth spurt at 15-20 days

If you have a baby between 15-20 days, you may notice that she is more restless and very fussy at the breast. She doesn’t let go at all or wants to feed all the time; she may even have milk reflux from the large amount she is drinking. Your baby probably goes through her second growth spurt. It is very likely that you feel that something out of your control is happening, and you feel confused or scared by the…

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Breastfeeding older babies

Breastfeeding older babies

There are some divided opinions about the right term to use when discussing breastfeeding older babies. The expression “extended breastfeeding” is not liked by all, nor is the term “long-term or prolonged breastfeeding”. We have not yet found the ideal words to refer to breastfeeding when children are over two years old. We will not enter into this discussion today, but here we would like to talk about questions you might have about breastfeeding older children. There are several interesting…

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Does the clock change affect breastfeeding?

Does the clock change affect breastfeeding?

This weekend, the time in Europe, the UK and later in many other places (such as Eastern Time timezone) will change, and clocks will be set one hour forward as we move back into winter time. If you have a baby, you may wonder, does the time change affect breastfeeding? Adults and children can be affected by these changes, which tend to be felt especially by the youngest and, consequently, by their parents. Adapting when there is a set schedule…

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The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

When a baby needs to receive additional breastmilk or formula milk, we always think of a bottle as the only way to do this. And, of course, you can give milk in a bottle; you just need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each supplementing method. In this post, we will explain the finger-syringe technique. What advantages does it have over other methods? The finger-syringe method is ideal for training babies’ suckling motions. It allows your baby to place the tongue in…

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Hand Expressing Breastmilk: the Marmet Technique

Hand Expressing Breastmilk: the Marmet Technique

Chele Marmet is a mother, pioneering lactation consultant, and the Co-Founder of the Lactation Institute in Los Angeles. She is the creator of the “Marmet technique” of manual expression, the best-known and most widely used manual expression method in the world. This manual expression technique allows you to express breastmilk in a practical and safe way, pain-free and with no equipment needed, allowing you to express milk anywhere and any time you need it. This technique also helps women to…

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My story: “Breastfeeding has shown me that my breasts are perfect”

My story: “Breastfeeding has shown me that my breasts are perfect”

“My name is Noelia, and I studied psychology to understand why there had been two cases of suicide in my family and many mental health problems. Today, I run a restaurant, and I am happy. I have been ready to be a mom for a long time, but when I saw that it was the perfect moment, I had a miscarriage. But because I had read so much about it, I knew this could happen and it didn’t affect me…

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Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

The first week of May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, so let’s talk about emotions and partnership and how parenting can distance. What emotions do you feel when your partner does not parent as you expected? How does it affect you? Maybe during nine months of pregnancy, you have prepared yourself consciously to raise your child together. And then, when your baby arrives, you find that your partner does not meet the expectations you had or that his parenting…

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