Does the clock change affect breastfeeding?
This weekend, the time in Europe, the UK and later in many other places (such as Eastern Time timezone) will change, and clocks will be set one hour forward as we move back into winter time. If you have a baby, you may wonder, does the time change affect breastfeeding?
Adults and children can be affected by these changes, which tend to be felt especially by the youngest and, consequently, by their parents. Adapting when there is a set schedule at home can be a little more complicated. However, these difficulties are usually resolved in the following days without major consequences.
What can we expect when adapting to the new time?
Changing the usual pattern, even if only for an hour, can make babies irritable and sleepy, for example, during the so-called witching hour. If your baby is exclusively breastfed, this can translate into increased demand to feed at certain times. As you may have noticed, any change that causes them some discomfort may be associated with an increased demand for breastfeeding, as the breast provides reassurance and security.
Do we need to prepare for the time change?
In general, no, because, as we said before, babies usually adapt without too many problems. But if your day-to-day life has a very set timetable and you want to prepare for the new schedule, you can bring forward your routines by ten minutes each day, especially nap times and bedtimes.
Any other questions?
If you have any questions about sleep and breastfeeding, you can find more information in our free LactApp app for iPhone and Android, where you can also contact our experts through the Consultation Channel.