My baby fights breastfeeding

My baby fights breastfeeding

It is very common for mothers to feel at some point during their breastfeeding journey that their baby fights breastfeeding. When a baby behaves in this way and is fuzzy at the breast, all alarms immediately go off, and there are a thousand thoughts you could have related to this behavior: maybe I don’t have enough milk, my baby doesn’t like my milk, my baby rejects me or my baby doesn’t like it and so on. When a baby does…

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Sun protection in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sun protection in pregnancy and breastfeeding

It’s summer in the northern hemisphere and temperatures are rising, so many families may wonder about the most appropriate sun protection for themselves and their children. The importance of sun exposure for any living being and also the need for protection to avoid skin problems are well known. Sun protection is a key element for this time of the year, and choosing the one that best suits each situation is important. Sunlight The sun emits energy in the form of…

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Understanding typical behavior of breastfeeding babies

Understanding typical behavior of breastfeeding babies

When you have your first baby, everything they do may seem very strange to you, or it may cause you a lot of worries when you don’t understand what is happening with them. Also, the typical behavior of breastfeeding babies tends to change as they get older, which is even more confusing. In this article, we will describe the different behaviors of babies during the first year, although some can happen beyond this age. Knowing how to identify these behaviors…

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How do I get my breastfeeding baby to take a bottle with my milk?

How do I get my breastfeeding baby to take a bottle with my milk?

If you have to or want to give your breastfeeding baby pumped breast milk, you will most likely consider using a baby bottle. Baby bottles are the most well-known and socially accepted feeding method, but they are not the only way. What happens if there is no other choice and you have to give breast milk in a bottle? These are some of the common questions that mothers and families have asked us: My baby arches her back with all…

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Pierre Robin syndrome

Pierre Robin syndrome

Pierre Robin syndrome (or Pierre Robin sequence) (PRS) is a rare congenital disease that occurs with a prevalence of 1 in 10,000 births. Its characteristics are a set of three anomalies of the craniofacial area: glossoptosis, retrognathia, and a median velopalatine fissure. It is called a sequence because the morphological alterations produced are a consequence of each other. This sequence can occur alone or together with other morphological alterations, forming a more complex syndrome. These anomalies can cause dysfunctions in…

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Breast compressions: how to help your baby to get more milk

Breast compressions: how to help your baby to get more milk

How can you help your baby to get more milk out of your breast? With breast compressions. When a baby doesn’t drink enough milk and doesn’t gain enough weight or has difficulties making efficient sucking motions, this forces them to feed constantly to get the amount of milk they need. Here is how you can help your baby with this simple technique. This method is very simple and allows you, as a breastfeeding mother, to optimize feeds and shorten the…

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Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Do they wean themselves one day? Natural weaning

Will children ever wean by themselves? What is the natural weaning age? In our society, weaning happens very early. It is much more frequent that breastfeeding journeys last months rather than years. The first time I saw a child about three years old breastfeeding, I couldn’t believe my eyes. At that time, my daughter was barely two months old, and I had not considered that breastfeeding could last ‘that long.’ I have discussed this feeling with many mothers who were…

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Emergency protocol for frenectomy

Emergency protocol for frenectomy

Author:  Dr. Juancho de Quixano, odontologist at FreLac It is well known that surgeries may involve some risks. As with any surgical procedure, it is very important to know how to perform it in the best possible way to minimize those risks. An intervention on the lingual frenulum is considered a surgery. Today, there is still controversy about how to classify frenectomy within surgical concepts. In theory, it is considered a minor surgery, which would allow professionals from different healthcare…

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Breast milk comes out of baby’s nose: what to know (nasal reflux)

Breast milk comes out of baby’s nose: what to know (nasal reflux)

When babies are breastfeeding, they learn to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing.This is a complex process; for some babies, it may take more time to fully master it. And sometimes milk comes out of baby’s nose. In another article, we have discussed what causes spitting up or vomiting, so today, we will try to shed some light on a more complex matter: what happens and why does it happen when a baby brings up milk, and it comes out from…

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How to accompany mixed feeding (combo feeding)

How to accompany mixed feeding (combo feeding)

Mixed feeding – or combo feeding – is when the infant is not only fed with breast milk, but is also supplemented with or takes entire feeds of formula milk. The reasons for mixed feeding can be various: the mother’s decision to do so, the presence of a genuine hypogalactia, and difficulties with removing supplementing, among others. Mixed feeding is related to a shorter duration of breastfeeding (1). On the one hand, there is a possibility that the baby may…

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