Weaning: definition, types and tricks to stop breastfeeding

Weaning: definition, types and tricks to stop breastfeeding

What is weaning Weaning is the process that ends breastfeeding. Just like breastfeeding, weaning has an evolution and specific “times” to be taken into account during the process. At LactApp, we want to accompany this process no matter how it is or whenever it is for you. That’s why this article summarizes all the information so that all the ideas and resources you may need are available to you. During pregnancy, we emphasize the need for women to get informed…

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7 tricks to keep your breastfeeding baby from twiddling

7 tricks to keep your breastfeeding baby from twiddling

Does your breastfeeding baby or toddler play with your nipples when breastfeeding? At about 10 to 15 months, children improve their fine motor skills a lot, and they often start with what is called twiddling.Now, every day, they become more skilled at holding a grip with their index finger and thumb. This is undoubtedly a great advance in their fine motor skills, but it can also be an uncomfortable nuisance for breastfeeding mothers. At this point, babies begin with ‘twiddling’…

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Breastfeeding during pregnancy

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

When a breastfeeding mother becomes pregnant, she may find herself with mixed feelings and questions about whether or not to continue breastfeeding her older child. She may even hear negative comments about continuing to breastfeed during pregnancy, which may come from family and friends as well as healthcare professionals. There are many fears and misconceptions associated with breastfeeding during pregnancy: a perceived increased risk of miscarriage, that the babies or the mother will suffer from nutritional deficiencies, that the older…

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My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

My baby pulls away from the breast when milk sprays out – oversupply

The fountain in the picture is in the city of Nuremberg (Germany) and depicts the six Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity, Courage, Temperance, and Patience, crowned by the figure of Justice. All 6 statues have “milk” in the form of water coming out of their breasts and spraying out. Most women are worried about having too little breast milk, so this amount of milk is almost everyone’s dream: a free flow of milk sprays! Many mothers may wish for this, but…

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My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

Although you may have heard that babies breastfeed constantly, when your baby arrives, it may actually surprise you how often they nurse. Usually, we are simply not prepared for this! Babies breastfeed for many months, from 8 to 12 times in any 24 hours, which means that you will spend many hours with your baby glued to your breast. You also have to remember that babies take a long time to complete a feed during their first months. They can…

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Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Is it ok to give a breastfed baby an occasional bottle of formula?

Mothers often ask in the LactApp if it is okay to occasionally give their breastfed baby a bottle. Here we won’t talk about returning to (paid) work, which implies a change in family organization, but about those punctual times, when you need cover for a specific occasion: a meeting, a dinner with friends, a short visit, or a doctor’s appointment for example. Official WHO health guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. This means,…

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Do you need a pelvic floor checkup?

Do you need a pelvic floor checkup?

Let’s talk about the pelvic floor and why pelvic floor health after pregnancy is so important for women. Do you experience urine leaks when you cough or sneeze? Do you feel pain during sex with penetration? Do you have hemorrhoids? All of these, and more, can be symptoms of your pelvic floor not being in good condition. For too long, it has been thought that urine leaks or pain during intercourse, for example, are the price women pay for being…

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My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

My baby has stopped pooping: infant dyschezia

“My daughter is one month old and exclusively breastfed. She has been doing strange things when she is breastfeeding for a few days, but before she used to fall asleep and be full. It has been one week now that she has been very restless; she rolls up, makes a lot of noises as if she wants to poop and strains, and sometimes she spits up milk. Then, when she is at the breast, she starts out very calm, but…

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Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

It happens very often, at the beginning of breastfeeding, that doubts arise regarding if you need to put your baby to burb after breastfeeding. But in fact, you don’t need to burp breastfed babies at all after each feed. This is an idea that comes directly from bottle feeding, where babies do swallow air and, therefore, you do need to put a bottle-fed baby to burp after they had a bottle. When a baby breastfeeds well, which means that the…

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Warning signs in a feed at the breast

Warning signs in a feed at the breast

As breastfeeding experts, we must be able to evaluate a feed and recognize warning signs that alert a professional to its lack of safety and efficacy. Feeding at the breast is physiological for newborns and, as has been pointed out, the patterns of an infant born at term with adequate weight should be mature, effective, and safe (Rendón-Macías et al., 2012; Shandley et al., 2021). Despite this, there are situations in which infants will present disturbances in the feeding process…

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