Neonatal and maternal care in the first hours and breastfeeding initiation

Neonatal and maternal care in the first hours and breastfeeding initiation

Neonatal and maternal care in the first hours after birth is important for the initiation of breastfeeding and establishing it properly. Here key points are skin-to-skin contact and the first latch within the first two hours of life. The main strategy to promote breastfeeding physiology is based on grouping and adapting postnatal care, favoring unrestricted skin-to-skin contact, avoiding early separation of the baby from the mother’s body, and facilitating an environment that favors the mother’s release of oxytocin, that is,…

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Tubular Breasts: What they are and how they can Affect Breastfeeding

Tubular Breasts: What they are and how they can Affect Breastfeeding

Tubular breasts are a structural malformation of the mammary gland that leads to an atypical mammary structure and can affect a woman’s ability to produce breastmilk. How to identify tubular breasts? Breasts that develop in this way can be identified with the naked eye due to their asymmetry and shape. They can develop in a conical shape, presenting clearly scarce breast tissue in the lower part of the breast, and areolas are exaggeratedly prominent or ringed. In addition, these breasts…

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What is an IBCLC?

What is an IBCLC?

It’s International IBCLC Day on Wednesday, 1st of March! There are currently 33,492 IBCLCs in 125 countries, according to the IBLCE, the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners. So today, we will explain what an IBCLC is and how to become one. We know this is not a universally known figure in healthcare and many people wonder what these letters mean. So we wanted to dedicate this article to answering your questions on what an IBCLC is and how to…

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Will I be able to breastfeed with these nipples?

Will I be able to breastfeed with these nipples?

Every mother-to-be wonders at some point during pregnancy whether her nipples will be suitable for breastfeeding her baby. Nipples come in all shapes and sizes; in general, all of them are ideal for breastfeeding. Babies do not extract breastmilk by squeezing the nipple; they must latch on and suck the nipple and a good portion of the areola simultaneously because this is the only way to get the milk out. What is the purpose of the nipple? Given all nipples…

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Breastfeeding aversion and agitation

Breastfeeding aversion and agitation

Many publications, such as Caroline Criado Perez’s book “Invisible Women” confirm a gender bias in medicine*. In this case, the bias is profound because there is no scientific evidence related to breastfeeding agitation and aversion. Clearly, no one cares to thoroughly investigate why mothers start to feel rejection towards their babies when breastfeeding. The reasons for the rise of these feelings have not yet been understood, so we can only guess at the possible causes of this unpleasant situation. We…

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Night weaning with the father/partner method

Night weaning with the father/partner method

When your baby is over one year old, and you consider weaning during the night, one often suggested option you can try is the partner method. Sometimes it is also referred to as the father method. This mostly means that your partner cares for the baby during the night feeds. And you might think that that’s all there is to it. But there’s a lot more to say about it and many things you both should know to prepare for…

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How to choose a breast pump

How to choose a breast pump

Mothers often ask us for recommendations on choosing a breast pump, what brand, or what specific model. But to know which one to choose, first of all, you need to ask yourself some questions and take into account the use you want to make of it and what is yourspecific situation. When choosing a breast pump, you must ask yourself what you plan to use it for. You may need a breast pump for very different situations, such as: There…

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Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Breastfeeding and Hair Loss

Recently, a mother contacted us in our consultation channel because she was worried that she would be going bald. She was losing a lot of hair every day, and her hairdresser explained to her. that this was what happened to all breastfeeding mothers, that breastfeeding depleted the vitamins in the mother’s body and that this caused her hair problem. Apparently, breastfeeding seems to cause devastating hair loss during the baby’s first months, and mothers must take multivitamin supplements to reduce…

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Dermatological problems in lactation

Dermatological problems in lactation

Dermatological problems during lactation can cause pain and discomfort in women. We know that pain is one of the leading causes of early unwanted stopping of breastfeeding. This is usually due to problems with the latch or limited mobility of the baby’s tongue (tongue-tie) and can cause sharp pain, a burning sensation, or nipple damage and cracks, either during or between feeds. However, there are also other situations, such as dermatological problems, that are not related to the breastfeeding technique…

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“What are you doing with this baby in the Emergency Room?” – Your story

“What are you doing with this baby in the Emergency Room?” – Your story

“My daughter was born in August, and it was the happiest day of my life. From that moment on, everything has been a learning process, with many worries and questions but also with many joys, surprises, and new discoveries. Breastfeeding has gone well from the start, and at night, I really can’t complain, she only asks to breastfeed twice, and then we continue to sleep together. But then there was my health, which according to my midwife, has suffered due…

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