The 9 most frequently asked questions during the second trimester of pregnancy

The 9 most frequently asked questions during the second trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester of your pregnancy, the questions that arise during the process change. Let’s answer the most frequently asked questions: When will I notice my pregnant belly? If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel that your belly doesn’t show. This is very common. The uterus, which will multiply its size at the end of pregnancy by 500 (500!), is growing slowly. To give you an idea, in week 12 of pregnancy, your uterus has not yet…

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New breast pumping law in the US: the PUMP Act explained

New breast pumping law in the US: the PUMP Act explained

For the first time in 13 years, the United States Congress has passed a new law to support breastfeeding and working mothers: the PUMP Act or Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act. This legislation extends breastfeeding protection at work to more than 9 million employees who were unprotected under the previous law, which did not cover all sectors. Which employees are covered by the Pump Act? The vast majority, as long as they work in a company with…

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The transition from breastfeeding to food from one year onwards

The transition from breastfeeding to food from one year onwards

After 12 months, do you breastfeed before or after solid food? How do you transition from breastfeeding to food? What happens if your child prefers breastmilk? How and when do you make the transition from breastfeeding to complementary feeding and introducing solids? You can start including solid food in your child’s diet from 6 months of a baby’s life or whenever your child is ready. These foods complement breastmilk, which is why they are known as complementary feeding, so the…

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Weaning and stop co-sleeping: what to do first?

Weaning and stop co-sleeping: what to do first?

If you want to stop breastfeeding at night, you might wonder if by doing so, you will also end co-sleeping at the same time. Every family is different, and both can happen: some families want to wean and stop breastfeeding during the night but don’t want to stop co-sleeping with their children, and some want their children to sleep in their own room as well. Is it possible to wean at night and continue to breastfeed? And if I want…

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Beauty treatments and breastfeeding

Beauty treatments and breastfeeding

When you become a mother, you put your baby first, and you take a backseat. So much so that you might even look at a hairdresser salon with nostalgia, remembering the days when you did have the time to go there. But the hardest thing is, when you finally do get that time for yourself, it turns out that you have to fight a lot of myths and false beliefs about beauty treatments and breastfeeding, such as “you can’t dye…

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What is the prevalence of tongue-tie?

What is the prevalence of tongue-tie?

Tongue-tie (or ankyloglossia) is an infant’s limitation of protruding and elevating the tip of the tongue due to a short lingual frenulum and/or restriction of the genioglossus muscles. Tongue-tie influences the growth and development of the mouth cavity and affects functional processes such as chewing, sucking, swallowing, and speech. In addition, the clinical appearance of ankyloglossia can result in painful breastfeeding, an inability to obtain an effective latch, and, as a consequence, poor weight gain. What is the prevalence of…

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How your breasts change during pregnancy

How your breasts change during pregnancy

When a woman gets pregnant, her body changes and transforms. Surely the most obvious change is the increase in the size of the belly, but did you know that the breasts also grow and change? So in this article, we will talk about the changes and sensations that a woman usually experiences in her breasts during pregnancy. Before we start, a little note to understand this topic better: the mammary gland at birth is the same in girls and boys….

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Lumps in the breast during lactation

Lumps in the breast during lactation

Lumps can occur in the breast during lactation, which usually puts the woman on alert. A thorough anamnesis is essential to know the cause of the complaint and its treatment. The most common causes of lumps are duct obstruction, breast abscess, and galactocele. Obstructions of the duct are due to stasis of milk caused by difficulties in the milk let-down due to suboptimal breastfeeding technique. In addition, pressure may be performed on the duct, for example, the pressure applied by…

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Separation anxiety at 8 months

Separation anxiety at 8 months

The 8-month developmental leap occurs when the infants have reached some essential developmental milestones: they will sit up on their own or almost, eat solid foods, understand some words, and be able to express basic emotions (anger, sadness, joy). Although, undoubtedly, they still have a lot of learning to do. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggests that infants experience different cognitive and emotional development stages as they grow and mature. In the sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to 2…

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The 4-month sleep “regression”

The 4-month sleep “regression”

Throughout the breastfeeding journey, there are many moments of change. Some of these new situations are directly related to the baby’s growth and development. Sleep is one of these areas of development. The newborn will go through an evolutionary process of sleep during the first years of its life until sleep is considered more mature. At first, the infant has only two phases of sleep: active sleep and deep sleep. Active sleep is the phase of sleep in which rapid…

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