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Category: Resources

Do you need a pelvic floor checkup?

Do you need a pelvic floor checkup?

Let’s talk about the pelvic floor and why pelvic floor health after pregnancy is so important for women. Do you experience urine leaks when you cough or sneeze? Do you feel pain during sex with penetration? Do you have hemorrhoids? All of these, and more, can be symptoms of your pelvic floor not being in good condition. For too long, it has been thought that urine leaks or pain during intercourse, for example, are the price women pay for being…

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Understanding typical behavior of breastfeeding babies

Understanding typical behavior of breastfeeding babies

When you have your first baby, everything they do may seem very strange to you, or it may cause you a lot of worries when you don’t understand what is happening with them. Also, the typical behavior of breastfeeding babies tends to change as they get older, which is even more confusing. In this article, we will describe the different behaviors of babies during the first year, although some can happen beyond this age. Knowing how to identify these behaviors…

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Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Breastfed baby poop: the color palette

Families are often worried about their baby’s poop when they have a newborn: about appearance, smell, texture and amount of poop. When first getting into the wonderful world of baby poop, we realize that there is a huge palette of possible colors that makes you doubt each change of color, so here we explain one by one each of the possibilities with this color “palette” of poop. It may seem unbelievable, but from the first week after birth, baby poop…

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How to survive the Holidays when you are breastfeeding

How to survive the Holidays when you are breastfeeding

It’s the time of Christmas, holidays, and New Year celebrations, and many of you will see family and friends, go to parties, get-togethers, and other celebrations. But are you ready for what’s to come? It makes no difference whether you are a breastfeeding or bottle-feeding mother, bring your baby in a sling, baby carrier, pram, or stroller. When you go to meals, engagements, and celebrations with a baby that inevitably becomes the center of attention, it’s difficult not to receive…

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Breastfeeding peer support groups

Breastfeeding peer support groups

Breastfeeding support groups are a fundamental resource for any mother who wants to breastfeed. They are an important meeting point for mothers in very similar situations. What is a breastfeeding support group? There are many different support groups for mothers, and among them, there are those that are dedicated breastfeeding support groups. There are also more general groups about parenting and maternity. In a breastfeeding support group, you can find: Other mothers like you who are interested in breastfeeding, either…

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Night weaning with the father/partner method

Night weaning with the father/partner method

When your baby is over one year old, and you consider weaning during the night, one often suggested option you can try is the partner method. Sometimes it is also referred to as the father method. This mostly means that your partner cares for the baby during the night feeds. And you might think that that’s all there is to it. But there’s a lot more to say about it and many things you both should know to prepare for…

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The biting stage in breastfeeding

The biting stage in breastfeeding

“My baby is 8 months old. He has started to bite me, and now I’m scared to breastfeed him. I don’t know what I should do to stop him from doing this, and, most of all, I don’t want to stop breastfeeding. Is there a solution to prevent biting?” Almost all mothers will experience some biting during the course of their breastfeeding journey. Some people think that this stage marks the time of weaning and that if the baby has…

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Breastfeeding and sleep – I need to sleep!

Breastfeeding and sleep – I need to sleep!

Breastfeeding and sleep – are they connected? Why doesn’t my baby sleep better? Will they start sleeping better if I wean? Is there anything I can do to improve their sleep? When your baby wakes up what seems to be a thousand times a night and doesn’t allow you to rest, these questions often come up. Fact: babies must wake up. It is healthy and safe for them to do so. But for us and our bodies to rest, whether…

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How do I know if my baby is hungry?

How do I know if my baby is hungry?

When you first become a new mother, one of the biggest worries is knowing when your baby is hungry. The two main worries of any new family are knowing why a baby is crying and knowing if she or he is hungry. If only they arrived with a manual! So how do I know if my baby is hungry? Babies can cry for many reasons: they might be bored, sleepy, hungry or lonely. But the good news is, that no…

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International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

Today marks the International Day of the Midwife! Congratulations to all midwives! Midwives are the best-qualified professionals to monitor pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care for low-risk births. Numerous studies show that having access to a professional midwife improves health outcomes for mother and baby. What differentiates a midwife from an ob-gyn/gynaecologist? Midwives are specialists in the normality of childbirth, while gynaecologists specialise in the care of pathologies or whenever risks and problems arise. As we said, a low-risk, physiological pregnancy…

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