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Category: Resources

Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

Debunking 10 Curious Myths About Breastfeeding

There are many curious myths about breastfeeding. Most of them are absurd, and if you stop to reflect, you will see that they don’t make any sense, so today, we will debunk 10 of them. 1. You cannot drink water while you are breastfeeding. This myth says that if you drink water while you are breastfeeding, the milk will become watery, or you will produce too much milk. There isn’t any reasoning behind this statement. As we have said before,…

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5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

5 expectations vs. reality of maternity

Here is our best of maternity expectations vs reality: 1 Expectations: The baby wants to breastfeed all day because breasts work on demand, but do not worry that as the baby grows, the feedings will be spaced out and the baby will claim you less. Reality: Baby feeds do not decrease in number over time, they may even increase. What you may notice is that during the first few days you spend a lot of time breastfeeding because the baby…

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Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

Tattoos and piercings during breastfeeding

A recurrent consultation at LactApp refers to the compatibility of tattoos and piercings with breastfeeding. Breast Piercings Let’s start with the piercings which are easier and shorter. During breastfeeding or pregnancy is not recommended to perform any type of perforation to the nipple because of the risk of infection and the pain it can cause. If you have a piercing in the nipple and want to breastfeed, do not have doubts, the answer is yes, you can breastfeed. You should…

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How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

How do I know if breastfeeding goes well?

“Hi, I’m a new mother, and I have a doubt: how can I know that breastfeeding is already well established? All those we consult tell us what happens between the fourth and sixth week of the baby’s life, others that after 15 days it is already established… How can we know if breastfeeding goes well?” We will try to explain what we mean by the concept of “established breastfeeding”. The first thing we need to know is that babies learn…

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Letter to daddy: is breastfeeding only a thing for two?

Letter to daddy: is breastfeeding only a thing for two?

Breastfeeding is not a type of parenting. Breastfeeding is the natural way to raise your baby, the first 6 months exclusively, from there with other foods. What does this mean? It means that although the breasts are the mother’s and the suckling belongs to the baby, breastfeeding must be 100% supported by the partner, the family, and society as a whole. Why? Because it is a question of humanity. Because that is what human biology needs because breastfeeding in the…

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