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Category: Maternity

The biting stage in breastfeeding

The biting stage in breastfeeding

“My baby is 8 months old. He has started to bite me, and now I’m scared to breastfeed him. I don’t know what I should do to stop him from doing this, and, most of all, I don’t want to stop breastfeeding. Is there a solution to prevent biting?” Almost all mothers will experience some biting during the course of their breastfeeding journey. Some people think that this stage marks the time of weaning and that if the baby has…

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Smoking during breastfeeding: is it better to stop?

Smoking during breastfeeding: is it better to stop?

Let’s talk about smoking during breastfeeding. No one doubts that smoking is a toxic habit and that tobacco addiction represents a major health risk for the smoker. It also affects those around you if you don’t take precautions, turning them into passive smokers. But what happens during pregnancy and breastfeeding? A big question that arises is what to do if you want to continue smoking while breastfeeding. What is better: to continue breastfeeding or give artificial milk to the baby?…

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How to detect postnatal depression

How to detect postnatal depression

This January 13th is the world day of action against depression, a condition that affects millions of people around the world. Postpartum depression is one important type of this disease. What is postpartum depression? Some estimates suggest that the incidence of postpartum depression is between 10% and 15% of all mothers, although it varies according to the population. Some studies conclude that the incidence of postpartum depression in primiparous women is around 25%, and in Latina women living in Mexico…

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Breastfeeding and sleep – I need to sleep!

Breastfeeding and sleep – I need to sleep!

Breastfeeding and sleep – are they connected? Why doesn’t my baby sleep better? Will they start sleeping better if I wean? Is there anything I can do to improve their sleep? When your baby wakes up what seems to be a thousand times a night and doesn’t allow you to rest, these questions often come up. Fact: babies must wake up. It is healthy and safe for them to do so. But for us and our bodies to rest, whether…

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How do I know if my baby is hungry?

How do I know if my baby is hungry?

When you first become a new mother, one of the biggest worries is knowing when your baby is hungry. The two main worries of any new family are knowing why a baby is crying and knowing if she or he is hungry. If only they arrived with a manual! So how do I know if my baby is hungry? Babies can cry for many reasons: they might be bored, sleepy, hungry or lonely. But the good news is, that no…

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Visiting a new baby

Visiting a new baby

Here we have put together some basic guidelines for visiting a new baby that you can share with your family and friends so that when they come to meet your newborn, it is clear to them. You can adapt and modify them to your liking, but we are sure that they will be useful for you to set the boundaries to your surrounding, which you will need when they are visiting your newborn baby. Yes, you can’t go to see…

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Racism and Maternity Care

Racism and Maternity Care

Institutionalised racism undermines the quality of health care for black mothers, who have a much higher mortality rate than white mothers, even when they have similar levels of education or socioeconomic background. African-American women living in the United States are nearly four times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than white women, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC reports that while the mortality rate for white women is 12.7…

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International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

Today marks the International Day of the Midwife! Congratulations to all midwives! Midwives are the best-qualified professionals to monitor pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care for low-risk births. Numerous studies show that having access to a professional midwife improves health outcomes for mother and baby. What differentiates a midwife from an ob-gyn/gynaecologist? Midwives are specialists in the normality of childbirth, while gynaecologists specialise in the care of pathologies or whenever risks and problems arise. As we said, a low-risk, physiological pregnancy…

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How do I know if I have mastitis?

How do I know if I have mastitis?

Mastitis is a word many women have never heard of until they become mothers. In this post, we explain what mastitis is, what different types exist and what causes them. We will explore the consequences and what you should or should not do when the first symptoms appear. What is mastitis? Mastitis is an inflammation of one or more areas of the mammary gland that can occur with or without infection. It is one of the most common complications in…

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