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Category: Growth spurts

Developmental leaps at 4 and 8 months

Developmental leaps at 4 and 8 months

We have already discussed the different developmental leaps, growth spurts, and breastfeeding crises and their causes, such as the 15 to 20-day or 3-month breastfeeding crises. Today, we will look at what, at LactApp, we call a false breastfeeding crisis, which also exists. So what is that, a false breastfeeding crisis? Let us explain. We call them “false” because, as a mother, you might think this challenging situation is related to your own milk supply. Still, in reality, it is…

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The two year breastfeeding crisis

The two year breastfeeding crisis

Official maternal and child health guidelines for protecting and promoting breastfeeding recommend maintaining breastfeeding along with complementary food for a minimum of two years. But what happens at this stage? Few mothers know that there is one more hurdle to overcome. More and more mothers reach this milestone in breastfeeding, and then, to their surprise, at two years of the child’s age, awaits the last, unexpected, and final breastfeeding crisis, in what we call the two year breastfeeding crisis. This…

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Is there a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months?

Is there a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months?

Many mothers talk about a breastfeeding crisis at 5 or 6 months of the baby’s life. It has taken some time to understand this crisis, which does not appear in manuals and happens almost exclusively with an exaggerated increase in demand for night feeds. We have already talked about the 3-month breastfeeding crisis and the developmental leap at 4 months (also called sleep “regression”), where most babies go through a so-called breastfeeding crisis. Babies start to sleep less at night,…

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Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

A growth spurt, also sometimes called a breastfeeding crisis, is a response by the baby to a clear increase in milk demand. Your baby will now ask to breastfeed at all times and may be nervous, irritable, and seemingly insatiable. Coincidentally, these demand increases occur around the same time for all babies. This shows that it is a common, biological, and necessary behavior that most of us go through. Some mothers may not notice it, but most do, and it…

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Separation anxiety at 8 months

Separation anxiety at 8 months

The 8-month developmental leap occurs when the infants have reached some essential developmental milestones: they will sit up on their own or almost, eat solid foods, understand some words, and be able to express basic emotions (anger, sadness, joy). Although, undoubtedly, they still have a lot of learning to do. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggests that infants experience different cognitive and emotional development stages as they grow and mature. In the sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to 2…

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Your baby’s growth spurt at 15-20 days

Your baby’s growth spurt at 15-20 days

If you have a baby between 15-20 days, you may notice that she is more restless and very fussy at the breast. She doesn’t let go at all or wants to feed all the time; she may even have milk reflux from the large amount she is drinking. Your baby probably goes through her second growth spurt. It is very likely that you feel that something out of your control is happening, and you feel confused or scared by the…

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