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Category: Breastfeeding

Why a neonatal speech therapist visit is essential after cutting a tongue-tie

Why a neonatal speech therapist visit is essential after cutting a tongue-tie

It is well known that ankyloglossia can hinder stomatognathic functions such as sucking, chewing, swallowing, speaking, and breathing. Although frenectomy (tongue-tie release) is an effective solution to free the tongue from the floor of the mouth, this outpatient procedure is sometimes only the initial step in the tongue rehabilitation process. The tongue rehabilitation process aims to improve the tongue’s tone and proprioception and requires expert help from a neonatal speech therapist. When the tongue is released through this procedure, the…

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Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

It is very common for breastfeeding newborns to develop jaundice, the yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, in the days or weeks after birth. Jaundice can become a serious health problem for babies, and it is important to get familiar with the situations related to breastfeeding that can cause a baby to get excess bilirubin levels in the blood. What is jaundice exactly? Before they are born, babies have more red blood cells in their blood. This helps them…

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Why cabbage leaves are recommended in breastfeeding

Why cabbage leaves are recommended in breastfeeding

Our IBCLC lactation consultants are often asked if cabbage leaves are recommended to relieve breast engorgement in breastfeeding, as some of you might have seen or heard of this either in person or on social media. In this article, you can learn more about breast engorgement and the reverse pressure softening technique (RPS) to relieve it. First of all, as with many topics related to breastfeeding and women’s health, there is practically no scientific evidence, and it is very limited,…

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Skin-to-skin contact and safety

Skin-to-skin contact and safety

Practicing skin-to-skin contact is not exclusive to the early hours of postpartum, but this can be performed at any time in the newborn’s life. It is a practice that is considered safe under normal conditions, but it is not without risk, with sudden unexpected postnatal collapse (SUPC) being the most worrisome. The presence of a pathology or medications are the main factors that increase the risk of this condition. Therefore, it is essential to perform skin-to-skin contact after birth safely,…

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Mental health during pregnancy

Mental health during pregnancy

Today, the 10th of October, is World Mental Health Day, and we wanted to take the opportunity to spotlight the mental health of mothers and, this year, especially, the mental health during pregnancy. Generally, when a woman is pregnant, all questions and resources about her well-being are related to her physical well-being. However, the emotional part seems to lose importance and is often overlooked. What if the pregnancy was unplanned? To begin with, we tend to think and take for…

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Cleft lip or palate and breastfeeding

Cleft lip or palate and breastfeeding

How can we maintain (or try to maintain, depending on the severity of the case) lactation in situations of cleft lips, teeth, and palate? What is cleft lip/palate, and how does it affect breastfeeding? During pregnancy, the lips are formed between weeks 4 and 7, and the palate between weeks 6 and 9 of pregnancy. Labial, alveolar and/or palatal clefts occur when the tissues that form these oral structures fail to unite. There is a great variation in the presentation…

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Difference between lactose intolerance and cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Difference between lactose intolerance and cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Frequently, the differences between lactose intolerance and CMPA, which stands for cow’s milk protein allergy, are not well distinguished. This happens not only to families but also to healthcare professionals. A food allergy and food intolerance are both adverse reactions to the consumption of certain foods. Differentiating the symptoms, causes, and treatment is key to guiding families in case their infants suffer from any of these pathologies. Characteristics of food allergy Food allergy is a reaction of the immune system…

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Safe co-sleeping and breastfeeding

Safe co-sleeping and breastfeeding

How should I sleep with my baby? Frequently asked questions about co-sleeping and bed-sharing Many LactApp users have asked about babies and sleep, and it’s no surprise that nighttime, co-sleeping, and breastfeeding are two of the issues that most concern families with children up to 3 years old.   So today, we will talk about co-sleeping and bed-sharing. This is a surprisingly controversial topic in Western culture, both for families and the scientific community, despite the fact that major health…

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Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth is a method that allows small amounts of colostrum to be collected during pregnancy, which, after the birth of the baby, can be given if necessary. This avoids the use of formula milk when supplementing is necessary. History of colostrum harvesting Although this may seem to be a fairly recent method, it is not. Until the late seventies and eighties, all women were encouraged to collect colostrum in the final stages of their pregnancy. Historically, the…

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How do I know if my baby carrier is well-designed?

How do I know if my baby carrier is well-designed?

Baby carriers are a wonderful and convenient way to get around with a baby. But a classic concern when it comes to baby carriers is: Is my baby carrier really well-designed? Well, we believe baby carriers are not either well-designed or not. When we talk about well-designed, what we really mean is adaptability. Therefore, we will talk about a good position and not about well-designed baby carriers, and we will consider whether baby carriers will adapt as much as possible…

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