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Category: Bottle feeding

Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

Do I have to wake up my baby to burp?

It happens very often, at the beginning of breastfeeding, that doubts arise regarding if you need to put your baby to burb after breastfeeding. But in fact, you don’t need to burp breastfed babies at all after each feed. This is an idea that comes directly from bottle feeding, where babies do swallow air and, therefore, you do need to put a bottle-fed baby to burp after they had a bottle. When a baby breastfeeds well, which means that the…

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How to choose a baby bottle

How to choose a baby bottle

There are a large number of brands on the market that produce baby bottles and teats* to give formula or expressed breast milk. But how to choose a baby bottle? It can be complex to know which baby bottles and teats are right for each case, as there are so many of them and with so many different characteristics to make it even more complicated. But first, we want to make clear that absolutely no brand has paid us to…

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5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

5 ways to give my baby milk when I am not there

The best way for our babies to drink breast milk is through our breasts, but sometimes, for example, when you have to go back to work, we can’t be by their side. Different methods of feeding or supplementing will allow you to continue to give them your breastmilk. When thinking of ways to feed your baby expressed breastmilk or formula, the first thing you might think of is a bottle. But in reality, the bottle is a method of feeding…

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Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

In this article, we will explain what mixed feeding or combination feeding is and how it can be maintained. Mixed feeding is when the baby is fed by a combination of breastmilk and bottle feeding. There are many reasons why you might choose to combine both ways. Whatever your reason, here we will explain some important issues to keep in mind that can help you to solve some of the most common problems. If you would like to maintain mixed…

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Do I need to give my baby water?

Do I need to give my baby water?

Depending on where you are, it is starting to get hot, and you might wonder what you should do. Adults are advised to be careful with their hydration and increase the amount of water they drink to stay well hydrated, but what about babies? You might wonder: should I give my baby water, too, or is this not necessary?  Here we answer all your questions! Firstly, recommendations about offering water to a baby are very different depending on whether your…

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How to pump and make a breastmilk stash

How to pump and make a breastmilk stash

Whether it is to go back to (paid) work because you will be away from your baby for a few days or for other reasons, you may need to pump and create a milk stash or milk reserve, so you can leave breastmilk for your baby while you are away. There are many questions that you might have, so here are our step-by-step tips on how to begin. When should I start? Ideally, you should start between one month and…

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How to Give a Bottle the Baby-Led Way: Paced Bottle Feeding

How to Give a Bottle the Baby-Led Way: Paced Bottle Feeding

When we think of giving a baby milk other than breastfeeding, the first thing that comes to mind is a bottle, but have you heard of paced bottle-feeding? The bottle as a method of feeding and its content, in the case of artificial formula, can interfere with your breastfeeding journey and cause difficulties. Your baby may end up rejecting the breast afterward. Even though nipple confusion is a controversial topic, we often see babies who have difficulty sucking at the…

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