My baby has a white tongue, is it thrush?

My baby has a white tongue, is it thrush?

Our maternity experts receive many questions from concerned mothers about their baby’s white tongue. Indeed, many parents worry about the colour of their baby’s tongue and whether the white colour that can be seen in breastfed babies means that a baby has thrush in their mouth. In this post, we will explain all about it. What is thrush? There is a type of thrush that sometimes happens in babies’ mouths, also known as candida or oral candidiasis. This is a…

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10 tricks for pumping more milk with a breast pump

10 tricks for pumping more milk with a breast pump

Most mothers face pumping milk with a breast pump at some point during their breastfeeding journey. Whether you are going out for a few hours or going back to work and want to leave milk for your baby, here are some tricks to pumping more milk with a breast pump. It’s always good to know some of the following tricks, and even more so if these get you to pump more milk. Here are some hints for getting more milk…

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How to pack your hospital bag for labour

How to pack your hospital bag for labour

Preparing the hospital bag for labour is usually a very exciting time. The arrival of the baby is approaching, and the desire to meet your little one is huge. But what to put in the bag raises many questions, and although it depends a little on each hospital, there will be things you will have to take and others that they will provide. Here, our team of midwives and IBCLC lactation consultants proposes a list of general things that you…

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When a milk top-up is necessary (supplementing)

When a milk top-up is necessary (supplementing)

Sometimes babies need additional milk, but many get “little top-ups” or are supplemented when they don’t need it. Supplementing milk is mostly associated with formula milk, which can create problems for breastfeeding. Today, we will talk about supplementing additional milk to breastfeeding, when a milk top-up is necessary, if it is needed, and the best options of how to do supplementing. What are “top-ups”, and what is supplementing? These are variable amounts of milk, which are given to the baby…

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Stomach bug and breastfeeding: what to do

Stomach bug and breastfeeding: what to do

We receive a lot of questions about stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) and breastfeeding in the LactApp app consultation channel. It’s that time of the year again, and many breastfeeding mothers and their babies are affected, so we would like to take the opportunity and answer your questions. I am breastfeeding, and I have a stomach bug: What should I do? Breastfeeding mothers can be affected by stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) just like anyone else. There is no specific treatment for gastroenteritis, so…

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Blebs, spots and milk blisters on the nipple and breastfeeding

Blebs, spots and milk blisters on the nipple and breastfeeding

Did you know that milk blisters or blebs, red spots, black spots, or blisters can also occur on nipples during your breastfeeding journey? Whether they are transparent blisters or white spots, having any of these annoying situations means something can be avoided or improved. In this article, you can find out what you could be having on your nipple and how you can fix it. Infection spot If the spot that appears on your nipple is irregular, poorly defined, deep,…

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Skin-to-Skin contact

Skin-to-Skin contact

A human baby is born totally helpless. It needs its mother to survive: her food, her arms, her body, her temperature, her sound, her presence. When babies lie on their mother’s body, they feel safe, know they are protected, and can relax. Today, we talk about skin-to-skin contact, which sounds like medical treatment but is what humanity has been replicating throughout its existence as part of our survival strategy as a species. What is the Mother Kangaroo Method? Skin-to-skin contact…

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Do I have low breast milk supply?

Do I have low breast milk supply?

Many mothers have asked, “Do I have a low breast milk supply?”. Usually, all mothers have the optimal amount of milk for their babies, but there are situations where mothers may have a lower milk production, which can interfere with the baby’s growth. Low milk supply exists, and some mothers are unable to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. Many women desperately seek the cause of their low milk production and do not always find answers. To understand hypogalactia (low milk production), you…

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Is it love at first sight, or not?

Is it love at first sight, or not?

Nine months of waiting, planning, preparing your body, your home… Nine months of falling in love again, touching your belly, dreaming of tomorrow… Nine months rocking, hugging, loving, feeling… Nine months of being filled with emotion, nine months of excitement, nine sweet months… nine long months… And at last, your baby arrives, at last, your baby is born, and at last, you live this moment, those moments in which the world stops. At last, you look into each other’s eyes,…

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Should I prepare my baby for when I go back to work?

Should I prepare my baby for when I go back to work?

When the time to get back to work comes, fears and worries appear: Do I need to make a milk stash? How do I do it? How will they manage breastmilk when I am not there? Should I prepare my baby to take a bottle? Well, today, we would like to talk about these important concerns. Do we have to prepare babies so that they are ready when mothers return to (paid) work? Well, the answer is no. But we…

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