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Tag: weaning

Why do I still have breastmilk if I have stopped breastfeeding for a long time?

Why do I still have breastmilk if I have stopped breastfeeding for a long time?

“My child is 3 years old. I stopped breastfeeding 2 years ago, and today, I found out that I still have milk. I want to get pregnant again soon, and I’m worried there will be a problem breastfeeding my next child.” Some people say breastmilk dry up if you have a big scare, if you are stressed, or if you stop breastfeeding. But one day, months, or even years after you stop breastfeeding, you squeeze your nipple and might see…

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Weaning: definition, types and tricks to stop breastfeeding

Weaning: definition, types and tricks to stop breastfeeding

What is weaning Weaning is the process that ends breastfeeding. Just like breastfeeding, weaning has an evolution and specific “times” to be taken into account during the process. At LactApp, we want to accompany this process no matter how it is or whenever it is for you. That’s why this article summarizes all the information so that all the ideas and resources you may need are available to you. During pregnancy, we emphasize the need for women to get informed…

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What can I put on my nipples to wean my toddler?

What can I put on my nipples to wean my toddler?

The question “What can I put on my nipples to wean my toddler?” is a common search on Google. It refers to applying something with a strong flavor, such as garlic, mustard, vinegar, or spicy products, on the breast to stop the toddler from suckling. This being a common query shows us that there is a problem of lack of information in a common scenario. Most of the time, when a mother wants to wean, she is alone in this….

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10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

10 tips on how to stop breastfeeding an over 1 year old

Weaning your baby from the breast and stop breastfeeding after one year is possible. If you’ve made it to one year of breastfeeding or beyond, first of all, congratulations! Usually, it’s not at all easy to get to this point. It’s also likely that you’ve gone almost 365 days without good sleep and are exhausted by your baby’s demands. So, if you are considering weaning or want to start now, this post is for you. When you ask yourself the…

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When breastfeeding is over and it hurts

When breastfeeding is over and it hurts

When my oldest daughter was 18 months old, she got chickenpox. She had it very mild, only 10 pimples all over her body, but one of them was right inside her mouth. When she was breastfeeding, the milk stung her little mouth (breast milk has antibiotic properties); it hurt her so much that she didn’t want to breastfeed anymore. So she gave it up suddenly. Within a few hours, she went from everything to nothing. She spent a couple of…

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How long will I have breast milk?

How long will I have breast milk?

Many breastfeeding mothers are afraid that they are running out of milk. After ending their lactation journey they wonder: how long will I have breast milk? But the surprise comes when breast milk is still produced months or even years after stopping breastfeeding. The mammary gland is created to ensure the nutrition of the baby, and the body does not allow for stopping breast milk production suddenly unless a particular medication is taken or if the mother suffers from severe…

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Weaning without help: tips for when you are on your own

Weaning without help: tips for when you are on your own

How can you wean and stop breastfeeding without anyone’s help? When talking about weaning, we always recommend two things: first, get informed on the process, and second, try to get some help and company to carry it out. Weaning is part of the breastfeeding journey, and just as with the beginning of this journey, you will need similar ingredients at the end. But what happens if one of these ingredients fails? What happens if you face weaning without help? Whatever…

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What happens if you have to be away from your baby for a few days?

What happens if you have to be away from your baby for a few days?

There are several reasons why you may have to be away from your baby for a few days. These may be desired or undesired reasons, but if you are breastfeeding, you will probably have questions about what will happen with you, with the baby, and with breastfeeding. We get asked this topic often, so we have gathered the most frequently asked questions and answers in this article. How will my baby be doing when I’m gone? Knowing what will happen…

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Night weaning with the father/partner method

Night weaning with the father/partner method

When your baby is over one year old, and you consider weaning during the night, one often suggested option you can try is the partner method. Sometimes it is also referred to as the father method. This mostly means that your partner cares for the baby during the night feeds. And you might think that that’s all there is to it. But there’s a lot more to say about it and many things you both should know to prepare for…

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Is your child a picky eater? Here are some tips

Is your child a picky eater? Here are some tips

Babies grow up, and there comes a time when they are ready to start trying new foods in addition to breast milk. Some babies and children show an enormous interest in food and experimenting with new tastes; others show less interest in solid foods or directly reject them and are picky eaters.  It is important to know that little or no interest in eating (or small amounts) in a one-year-old or older may be related to specific times in the…

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