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6 reasons why you don’t need to stop breastfeeding

6 reasons why you don’t need to stop breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a matter of two, so it’s fine to wean when one of the two parties wants to quit. But what happens when it is not about what you or your baby want but when you are unsure because you don’t know or because of outside pressures? Here are 6 of the reasons why many mothers have felt the urge to stop breastfeeding and the explanation of why it wouldn’t work: 1. So the baby sleeps more Babies and…

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Breast pump: nothing comes out

Breast pump: nothing comes out

Whenever we talk about pumping breast milk, we take it for granted that it will be easy. We think it’s just a matter of pumping and waiting for the milk to flow. And in some cases, this is true, but in others, pumping can be a daunting and frustrating task. Today we answer all the most common questions on the subject: When I pump, nothing comes out at all! The relationship with the breast pump is often a love/hate relationship…

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“My child doesn’t want to eat any food” – anemia

“My child doesn’t want to eat any food” – anemia

“Hello everyone, I have an 18-month-old girl who is still breastfeeding. Since she was 6 months old, I started to give her solid food, and she did eat some: a little fruit, a few pieces of potato, or half of a cookie. But now she almost doesn’t eat anything anymore, she only wants to feed at the breast and she eats very, very little solids. Her weight is fine, and that reassures me, but yesterday I went to see the…

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How to choose a pacifier

How to choose a pacifier

How do you choose the best pacifier? So you got informed about the pros and cons of using a pacifier and have made the decision to offer one to your baby. Now you have to choose one from the overwhelming options on the market. Here we explain what things you need to consider. You may go to your local store, pharmacy, or online and find dozens of options, different sizes, shapes, colors, materials, customizable options, anatomical, ergonomic. There is so…

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For dads: breastfeeding questions II

For dads: breastfeeding questions II

Is your partner going back to work soon, and you are going to stay with your child? Are you worried about this new stage? Well, this post is for you. We are going to answer the most common questions you may have now. Do you have to train the baby before the mother is going to be away? It may seem like a reasonable idea, but it is not recommended; here is why: Separating from their mother is a difficult…

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A mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding

A mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding

It’s been almost a year since your baby was born. You can already tell that your breastfeeding journey has gone through ups and downs, but you wouldn’t change it for anything. And you can be proud of it. But all of a sudden, you feel something is going on, and it is about yourself! What’s wrong with you? Your little one is doing great, but you’ve given all your vital energy to take care of your baby’s needs. Without even…

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My baby gets distracted and doesn’t want to nurse

My baby gets distracted and doesn’t want to nurse

It doesn’t happen to all babies, but daytime nursing seems like a waste of time for most babies between 8 and 9 months. They get distracted and don’t want to nurse during the day; does that sound familiar? At this stage, it is normal that they hardly feed at the breast during the day, or if you offer them your breast, they just nurse for a few seconds and then go back to what they were doing. By 8 or…

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How to store and handle breastmilk

How to store and handle breastmilk

Handling breast milk can be scary. Sometimes, it almost feels like dealing with dangerous stuff, and it seems that handling breast milk can be extremely complicated. But at the end of the day, it should be no more scary than handling any other food. To do so, you simply have to follow a series of rules that guarantee the greatest possible safety, and for breastmilk, it is no different. Let’s take a look at the most common questions on this…

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The Father’s role after Birth: 10 Tips to accompany a new mother

The Father’s role after Birth: 10 Tips to accompany a new mother

Why should a mother be and feel accompanied after birth during the postpartum period? When a baby is born, a mother and a father are also born, and it doesn’t matter if it is your second child: then a mother of two children and a father of two children is born, and so on. Each new child is a massive event for any family, and everyone needs to adapt. But the mother, in addition to the effort to adapt to…

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Nipple discomfort in the first days

Nipple discomfort in the first days

Breastfeeding should never hurt, because pain tells us that there is something that can be improved. But what about some discomfort in the nipples during the first days of your baby’s life? During pregnancy, women do experience nipple discomfort. In fact, one of the first signs of pregnancy is the sensitivity that you suddenly begin to experience in your breasts. The nipple area is so sensitive during pregnancy that some find they don’t want anyone to touch them, and even…

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