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How do I know if exclusive breastfeeding is going well?

How do I know if exclusive breastfeeding is going well?

How do you know if your newborn is breastfeeding well? And how do you know if exclusive breastfeeding is working? Mothers only learn how to breastfeed once they have their baby in their arms. Although we think breastfeeding is an instinct, in reality, it is not. Babies, however, do know instinctively how to breastfeed. Mothers can build their knowledge and learn it by watching other mothers breastfeeding, which is why finding a breastfeeding support group or joining other breastfeeding mothers…

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How to warm up pumped breast milk

How to warm up pumped breast milk

When you start thinking about how to warm up pumped breast milk, you may have questions, especially the first few times you do it. But breast milk does not require much different handling than any other food. And heating breast milk is not very different from heating any other products. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that human milk is a living liquid, and therefore, mishandling it can cause the protective (living) cells to get lost….

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When breastmilk comes out brown after birth: rusty pipe syndrome

When breastmilk comes out brown after birth: rusty pipe syndrome

“Hi, I’m going to have another baby soon; I’m now 34 weeks. I would like to ask you about what happened to me when I had my first baby because nobody knew what it was… My baby was breastfeeding just after the birth. Then, the midwife told me that at the end of the feed, I should put some colostrum on my nipple. And when I did, I realized that my colostrum was not yellow; it was brown; I was…

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Babies and low blood sugar

Babies and low blood sugar

A common worry for many families is that their baby might suffer from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) during the first few weeks after birth. Is this something to be concerned about? Are there babies who are more at risk? And how can we avoid this situation? Here, we try to clarify this issue and answer some basic questions. What is neonatal hypoglycemia? Glucose (sugar) is used to produce energy and is needed to carry out all the processes that occur…

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What is a high-demand baby?

What is a high-demand baby?

High-demand baby – at LactApp, we don’t like labels, nor does anyone else as we grow up with them: the lazy one, the smart one, the grumpy one, the drama queen, and so on. But sometimes, by trying to escape from them, every description seems like a burden, far from the truth. Often, putting a name to what happens to us makes us feel calmer and start positively enjoying or living things. In motherhood, being able to name things is…

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Breast reduction surgery and breastfeeding: 16 ideas to achieve it

Breast reduction surgery and breastfeeding: 16 ideas to achieve it

Women who have had a breast reduction surgery may have difficulties establishing breastfeeding. In this blog post, we will give some ideas on how to achieve breastfeeding if this is your case. How does a breast reduction surgery affect breast function? Breast reductions are complex surgeries for the mammary gland because apart from eliminating fat, breast tissue is also removed, and the ducts are cut. The incisions made in the areola cause the division of the mammary nerves that are…

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The 4-month sleep “regression”

The 4-month sleep “regression”

What is the 4-month sleep regression? Is there such a thing as a 4-month breastfeeding crisis? Throughout the breastfeeding journey, there are many moments of change. In fact, the baby’s entire first year brings many changes. When babies are born, their brain still needs to learn a great lot of things, as they are biologically very immature. They need to learn so many things, such as talking, sitting, walking… and one of the big things they have to learn is…

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I have stopped breastfeeding, but green liquid comes out of my nipples – mammary duct ectasia

I have stopped breastfeeding, but green liquid comes out of my nipples – mammary duct ectasia

“Hi, I am writing to you because today I got terrified. It’s been two years since I stopped breastfeeding my son, and today, I squeezed my nipple to teach a friend how to hand-express breast milk. But then I was shocked to see some dark green liquid coming out of my nipple. What should I do? I don’t even know where to ask for help…” What happens when green liquid comes out of my nipples, and I have stopped breastfeeding?…

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Breastfeeding as birth control (LAM)

Breastfeeding as birth control (LAM)

Can breastfeeding be used as a method of contraception? What is breastfeeding as birth control, also called the LAM method? LAM stands for Lactational Amenorrhea Method. LAM is a contraceptive method that relies on the natural infertility that occurs when breastfeeding. This happens because the baby’s suckling manages to suppress the production of the hormones required to ovulate. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother can experience several months without ovulating (this is called amenorrhea). How does this work? To use LAM safely…

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How to choose a baby bottle

How to choose a baby bottle

There are a large number of brands on the market that produce baby bottles and teats* to give formula or expressed breast milk. But how to choose a baby bottle? It can be complex to know which baby bottles and teats are right for each case, as there are so many of them and with so many different characteristics to make it even more complicated. But first, we want to make clear that absolutely no brand has paid us to…

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