Percentiles and growth charts

Percentiles and growth charts

What are percentiles? Percentiles and growth charts are tables where the normal growth of healthy infants is illustrated. There are 5 ascending curves marked on the table corresponding to each percentile: 3rd, 15th, 50th, 85th, and 97th. Occasionally, babies do not follow the weight percentiles in which they are born or even drop in percentiles throughout their growth. It is important to note that percentiles do not tell us whether a baby is healthy or not, but they simply reflect…

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Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

Your baby’s three-month growth spurt: questions and answers

A growth spurt, also sometimes called a breastfeeding crisis, is a response by the baby to a clear increase in milk demand. Your baby will now ask to breastfeed at all times and may be nervous, irritable, and seemingly insatiable. Coincidentally, these demand increases occur around the same time for all babies. This shows that it is a common, biological, and necessary behavior that most of us go through. Some mothers may not notice it, but most do, and it…

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Tongue-tie release: business or cure?

Tongue-tie release: business or cure?

Some days ago, an opinion article with the striking headline, “Inside the Booming Business of Cutting Babies’ Tongues,” was published in the prestigious New York Times. In this article, personal cases, situations, and first-person experiences about the process of performing a tongue-tie release (or frenotomy) are reported. We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you our clinical team’s opinion and how we think about certain points of view in the management of lingual ankyloglossia or tongue-tie. Stomatognathic functions…

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“Breastfeeding is actually protective against tooth decay” interview with a pediatric dentist

“Breastfeeding is actually protective against tooth decay” interview with a pediatric dentist

Today we introduce you to Dr Amparo Perez who has been a pediatric dentist for 30 years. She treats babies and pregnant women in clinics in Spain. In addition, she coordinates a Master’s degree in integrated pediatric dentistry at the University of Murcia and is a collaborating professor COII at the Morales Meseguer Hospital in Murcia. We are very glad to have talked to Amparo because, after this interview, we can’t highlight enough her great work, which is 100% focused…

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For fathers: initial doubts about breastfeeding

For fathers: initial doubts about breastfeeding

When a new baby arrives, a couple becomes a family, and the roles of the partner change. The partner’s role is very important in the breastfeeding process, and he (or she) must be informed and support the mother’s decisions. We would like to highlight that although in the title of this article, we refer to the ‘father,’ we will be referring to the non-pregnant partner, regardless of their gender. In fact, this information is also useful for all other people…

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Breastfeeding in pregnancy, is it a safe combination?

Breastfeeding in pregnancy, is it a safe combination?

When talking about breastfeeding in pregnancy, we come across contradictory messages that rarely have a scientific basis. This leads the mother or breastfeeding person to have doubts when planning a pregnancy during lactation or fears if she is already pregnant. Lack of research on pregnancy during breastfeeding The first thing to note is that scientific publications on the subject are notably absent. In addition, most of the publications that are less than 10 years old are literature reviews and therefore,…

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5 meals that increase your milk supply

5 meals that increase your milk supply

Let’s see below the 5 meals that can increase your milk supply: Surely, this surprises you, and yes, we could have put any food or drink in the list above. Surely, you wouldn’t believe that any of these meals can increase your milk supply, and in fact, science proves you right because there is not the remotest scientific evidence that any of these foods increase breastmilk production. Then why would you believe that there may be other foods that can…

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Weaning without help: tips for when you are on your own

Weaning without help: tips for when you are on your own

How can you wean and stop breastfeeding without anyone’s help? When talking about weaning, we always recommend two things: first, get informed on the process, and second, try to get some help and company to carry it out. Weaning is part of the breastfeeding journey, and just as with the beginning of this journey, you will need similar ingredients at the end. But what happens if one of these ingredients fails? What happens if you face weaning without help? Whatever…

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Lactation cookies: how effective are they?

Lactation cookies: how effective are they?

Certain foods are believed to have galactagogue properties, such as brewer’s yeast, plantain flower, fennel, fenugreek, ginger, or lactation cookies, among many others. Although the scientific evidence for these products as galactagogues is limited and their effect is not proven (1), these products continue to be recommended to help increase breastmilk supply. In recent years, cookies based on oats, brewer’s yeast, flaxseed, and fenugreek are being marketed, especially in the USA, with alleged galactagogue properties. A recent study published in…

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Amenorrhea and breastfeeding

Amenorrhea and breastfeeding

Amenorrhea during lactation is a phenomenon that, although well known, is little researched, like so many other areas of women’s health. Even so, the scarce existing evidence indicates that instead of being a problem for health, it could provide health benefits. It allows for a reduced need for iron and, therefore, protection against anemia, among other considerations. How amenorrhea occurs The prolactin peaks produced by repeated sucking of the nipple by the infant are capable of inhibiting the secretion of…

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