“It was hard for me not to feel responsible when a woman doesn’t achieve the breastfeeding journey she wanted”: Susana Cerdán
Susana Cerdán is a midwife, expert in breastfeeding and director of the Maternalia Center. She is also an alumnus of the first edition of the LactApp postgraduate course “University Degree in Breastfeeding”. With her, we are starting a series of articles dedicated to introducing the network of students of LactApp’s professional training courses.
Our alumni network is growing daily and is full of great professionals with different backgrounds in relation to breastfeeding: midwives, pediatric dentists, nutritionists, gynaecologists, nurses, speech and language therapists, paediatricians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, biologists and researchers. With this series of interviews, we would like to spotlight different profiles that have trained with us and help us build a multidisciplinary professional support network.
Susana Cerdán
I have been a midwife since 2010, and I have worked in Sweden, where I trained before returning to Spain. Here I have started my own maternity support centre, Centro Maternalia, where I work as a midwife and manage the centre. In addition, I also support home births with a team of 3 other midwives.
What was your first approach to breastfeeding?
It was during my training as a nurse in 1996 when I did an internship in Peru. I was struck by the naturality and ease with which women combined home and child care with breastfeeding. Especially compared to the difficulties I had seen in the childbirth rotation I had done before.
What were you looking for in the postgraduate course?
To strengthen and expand my knowledge, especially in those cases of “complicated” breastfeeding journeys. To expand resources.
An unexpected learning experience?
It was hard for me to accept at the beginning not feeling responsible in the cases when the woman does not succeed or decides not to go ahead with breastfeeding.
Is there anything you had to unlearn?
The hands-off approach. When I did my degree, it was all hands on the woman, holding the baby and the woman’s breast.
Do you have any advice for people starting out?
Learn from every woman. Listen actively. Then the learning is so much greater.
Is there a case or a person that inspired you?
There was a very special homebirth support that led me to start what will be my next project.
What are the things we need to improve in the field?
Being able to access a professional quickly and a better update in breastfeeding support.
Do you have any recurring fears?
Ever since I became a mother, I fear that something would happen to my children.
Is there a goal you want to achieve?
I’m working on it, but I can’t elaborate yet. On a personal level, I want to be happy and to be able to help my children be happy by finding their own way.
What is LactApp for you?
A fantastic support tool for families and a resource for me as a healthcare professional. With LactApp, I have done continuous education seminars such as updates on mastitis, gestational diabetes and so on.