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Category: Breastfeeding

My baby gets distracted and doesn’t want to nurse

My baby gets distracted and doesn’t want to nurse

It doesn’t happen to all babies, but daytime nursing seems like a waste of time for most babies between 8 and 9 months. They get distracted and don’t want to nurse during the day; does that sound familiar? At this stage, it is normal that they hardly feed at the breast during the day, or if you offer them your breast, they just nurse for a few seconds and then go back to what they were doing. By 8 or…

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Breastfeeding aversion and agitation

Breastfeeding aversion and agitation

Breastfeeding is a vital process for the optimal health and development of infants. However, despite providing benefits that are widely acknowledged by scientific evidence, many mothers experience a range of emotions and sensations throughout their breastfeeding journey, which have not been studied much. One of these complex emotions is breastfeeding agitation or aversion, a relatively unknown phenomenon in which the infant is rejected. This article will examine breastfeeding agitation from a scientific perspective, exploring its characteristics, possible causes, and implications…

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How to store and handle breastmilk

How to store and handle breastmilk

Handling breast milk can be scary. Sometimes, it almost feels like dealing with dangerous stuff, and it seems that handling breast milk can be extremely complicated. But at the end of the day, it should be no more scary than handling any other food. To do so, you simply have to follow a series of rules that guarantee the greatest possible safety, and for breastmilk, it is no different. Let’s take a look at the most common questions on this…

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The Father’s role after Birth: 10 Tips to accompany a new mother

The Father’s role after Birth: 10 Tips to accompany a new mother

Why should a mother be and feel accompanied after birth during the postpartum period? When a baby is born, a mother and a father are also born, and it doesn’t matter if it is your second child: then a mother of two children and a father of two children is born, and so on. Each new child is a massive event for any family, and everyone needs to adapt. But the mother, in addition to the effort to adapt to…

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Nipple discomfort in the first days

Nipple discomfort in the first days

Breastfeeding should never hurt, because pain tells us that there is something that can be improved. But what about some discomfort in the nipples during the first days of your baby’s life? During pregnancy, women do experience nipple discomfort. In fact, one of the first signs of pregnancy is the sensitivity that you suddenly begin to experience in your breasts. The nipple area is so sensitive during pregnancy that some find they don’t want anyone to touch them, and even…

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Complications in breastfeeding

Complications in breastfeeding

Although it is well known that breastfeeding should never be painful, pain continues to be one of the leading causes of weaning among nursing mothers. When complications appear during breastfeeding, such as engorgement, ductal obstructions, acute mastitis, or an abscess, a proper differential diagnosis must be made in order to be able to manage them correctly. At the end of this article, there is an infographic to support professionals who accompany breastfeeding and its processes. This should help diagnose and…

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Breastfeeding evolves with your baby

Breastfeeding evolves with your baby

Babies grow, and every day, they do different things; they develop, they advance their learning, they surprise us, and they constantly change. And you can watch them while this happens day by day. Maybe before becoming a mother, you didn’t know how babies will change month by month, but everyone knows that a newborn does not do the same things as a 6-month-old baby. What about breastfeeding? We are often asked if a specific breastfeeding behavior at a certain age…

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What should you eat when breastfeeding?

What should you eat when breastfeeding?

Many women are worried about their nutrition after birth: how does the mother’s diet affect breastfeeding? Many women have been given different advice: ” You need to drink a lot of milk to get more milk,” “You need to eat calcium-rich food, so you don’t run out of milk,” “Be careful with beans, because the baby will get gas,” “Don’t drink lemon, because your milk will dry up,” and so we could continue the endless list. So what’s the truth…

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Supression of lactation

Supression of lactation

There are very few clinical conditions that contraindicate breastfeeding, such as galactosemia. However, there are many situations when a woman may wish to discontinue breastfeeding and suppress lactation. Mothers may decide whether or not to breastfeed their newborn or to stop breastfeeding at a time when they feel it is necessary. There are several methods for the suppression of lactation. As healthcare professionals, we must be aware of all of them and of their limitations, when informing and accompanying a…

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Your baby’s second night

Your baby’s second night

When babies are born, they first breastfeed a little and get to know their mother skin-to-skin, and then they fall into a deep, restful sleep, which in medical terms is called a state of lethargy. This is the ideal time to get some rest as well, so try to sleep for a few hours. It’s important that you recover from the effort of giving birth and save your energy for the following days. Because when you start out breastfeeding, it’s…

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