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Category: Difficulties

Do I have low breast milk supply?

Do I have low breast milk supply?

Many mothers have asked, “Do I have a low breast milk supply?”. Usually, all mothers have the optimal amount of milk for their babies, but there are situations where mothers may have a lower milk production, which can interfere with the baby’s growth. Low milk supply exists, and some mothers are unable to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. Many women desperately seek the cause of their low milk production and do not always find answers. To understand hypogalactia (low milk production), you…

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What is a breastfeeding crisis?

What is a breastfeeding crisis?

Suddenly, your baby wants to feed constantly, is more irritated and fuzzy, cries, and seems to want to feed constantly but is struggling at the breast. And maybe you are thinking: am I running out of milk?  But wait… maybe your baby is going through a breastfeeding crisis! Babies usually go through several growth spurts (some call them frequency days; in some regions, they are called breastfeeding crises) during the first 12 months of life, when their demand for milk…

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What is nipple confusion and how can it be resolved?

What is nipple confusion and how can it be resolved?

There has been a debate about whether nipple confusion in breastfeeding (sometimes also called nipple-teat confusion) exists or whether it is a myth. In reality, evidence and our experience in supporting thousands of breastfeeding mothers show that there are all types of babies: those who can suckle from a bottle teat, a pacifier and at the mother’s breast interchangeably without any problems, and other babies who are given one single feed from a bottle and seem to no longer know…

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Exclusive pumping

Exclusive pumping

There are multiple circumstances in which a mother chooses exclusive pumping instead of breastfeeding directly, which means expressing her breast milk either by hand or with a breast pump and offering it to the baby in a bottle or other recipient. It can make it easier for you if you know more about it and some situations that can occur when you consider this option. Is breastfeeding directly the same as giving expressed breast milk with a bottle? We could…

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Breastfeeding after C-section

Breastfeeding after C-section

Hospital routines in many countries still do not allow in many cases to humanize cesarean sections and make them less traumatic for the new family, which influences breastfeeding after c-section. The presence of the partner at birth by cesarean section is often not allowed, nor is it possible to maintain first skin-to-skin contact that promotes a suitable start to breastfeeding. Mothers are sometimes transferred to recovery, where they can be a few hours without their babies. The parents may end…

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Supplementing Milk in Breastfeeding Babies

Supplementing Milk in Breastfeeding Babies

Babies often receive supplementing milk during breastfeeding, sometimes with formula and sometimes with pumped breast milk. The introduction of supplemental milk, as a form of administration and its content, can affect the feeding of the infant, and therefore, it is very important to examine thoroughly its actual need. This article discusses what supplementing means, when it is needed, and the best options for administering it. What is supplementing? Supplementing means giving variable amounts of milk to a baby once or…

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Reflux in breastfeeding babies

Reflux in breastfeeding babies

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a common occurrence in babies. It is the return, spitting up or regurgitating stomach contents to the mouth, usually without effort and occasionally. It is most common after feeding. Reflux occurs in about 1 in 5 healthy babies. It is considered a physiological and normal situation and should not be a cause of concern. Generally, it resolves without any treatment before the age of one year. It is important to differentiate between physiological gastroesophageal reflux (GER)…

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Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

Jaundice and breastfeeding newborns

It is very common for breastfeeding newborns to develop jaundice, the yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, in the days or weeks after birth. Jaundice can become a serious health problem for babies, and it is important to get familiar with the situations related to breastfeeding that can cause a baby to get excess bilirubin levels in the blood. What is jaundice exactly? Before they are born, babies have more red blood cells in their blood. This helps them…

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Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth

Colostrum harvesting before birth is a method that allows small amounts of colostrum to be collected during pregnancy, which, after the birth of the baby, can be given if necessary. This avoids the use of formula milk when supplementing is necessary. History of colostrum harvesting Although this may seem to be a fairly recent method, it is not. Until the late seventies and eighties, all women were encouraged to collect colostrum in the final stages of their pregnancy. Historically, the…

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Nipple eczema

Nipple eczema

Definition Nipple eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythema, inflammation, papules, vesicles, exudates, and crusts. Lichenification, skin erosion, fissures, excoriations, and desquamation can also be observed in the area of the nipple and/or areola.  This definition covers several types of dermatitis (seborrheic and atopic) and irritation or hypersensitivity at contact. In addition, this lesion often occurs concomitantly with Staphylococcus aureus skin infections. Symptoms of nipple eczema Symptoms commonly manifested by women who suffer from it are itching, burning, and…

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