Breastpump: Questions & Answers
The use of the breast pump raises many questions and worries. Let’s see if we can answer some questions, and if you have any more, feel free to ask them in the comments.
Do I have to sterilize the pump every time I use it?
No. Manufacturers recommend sterilizing breast pumps before using them for the first time. After that, it is not necessary. Cleaning it just as you wash dishes in your kitchen is enough: by hand with soap or in the dishwasher.
You should sterilize the breast pump if it was used before or if you are borrowing it from someone else.
Are all breast pumps the same?
No, there are many different types of breast pumps: electric, manual, double pump, single pump, and so on. Every mother should find the most convenient one for her based on her needs and how often the pump will be used.
Like most consumer products, there are many brands to choose from. Unfortunately, some are not great, as they create a constant suction on the nipple. Sometimes, this causes an issue with the milk extraction because it damages the nipple.
Is it better to use an electric or manual pump?
It depends on what you use it for. Will you use the breast pump for a specific goal, or will it be used daily? How old is your baby? Does your baby only breastfeed, or are they eating solids? Something else to consider, electric pumps are more expensive. Then there are personal preferences to consider: Does it need to be silent, or do you not mind either way? Would you prefer it to be small and easy to travel with, or will it only be used at work or home? For these reasons, one pump is not necessarily better than the other. It all depends on your preferences and situation.
There is not much breastmilk coming out; is that all my baby is having?
No. The amount expressed with a breast pump is never proof of the amount of breast milk you are producing. No matter how good, a breast pump will never have the same suction capacity as your baby. They are by far best at this task; breast pumps are just a good imitation.
To achieve good milk extraction, you need the following:
- An adequate breast pump
- Knowing how to use it
- Patience
The breast pump is an easy way to extract accumulated milk from the breast. Therefore it is simpler to express milk when the baby, for whatever reason, has nursed less, which may make a milk let-down more difficult. The stimulation caused by the breast pump sends a signal to the mother’s brain that it should produce milk. This takes time and practice, especially as it takes some time to get used to initially, and some mothers may be a bit apprehensive.
I would like to increase my milk production. When should I pump my milk?
Increasing milk production, whether for relactation or storing milk, is not easy.
To increase milk supply, stimulation and emptying of the breast should be increased as well. Therefore, the breast pump should be used frequently, whenever possible, but for short periods of time. Using the breast pump twice a day for an hour does not help. It is better to use it many times a day for short periods of time—minutes (see this article on power pumping).
It is also important to leave the breast pump in a designated, comfortable spot near you, set up and ready to go. If the breast pump is not a double, start with one breast, move to the other side when no more milk comes out of the first, and then repeat both breasts once more. This process should not take more than a few minutes. The more milk is produced and coming out, the longer the process will take.
Remember it is better to pump 8 times a day for 3 minutes than twice for 2 hours. The trick is always: often for a short amount of time.
I have to pump. When is the best time to do it so there is milk when my baby wants to breastfeed?
As mentioned, breasts are never empty; they always have milk. However, the breast pump does extract the accumulated milk from the breast and could delay the immediate increase in milk production. So as to not leave the baby without milk, here are some ideas about extraction:
- You can pump at any moment of the day
- During the feed at the breast: you can pump from one breast while the baby drinks from the other.
- Before a feed at the breast: don’t worry that your baby could be left without milk; you can have another milk let-down within just two minutes of the baby nursing.
- At the end of a feed at the breast: you can pump whatever milk the baby did not drink
- An hour after a feeding: some mothers prefer this option since they pump more easily this way
It hurts a lot when I use it; is that normal?
If the breast pump is causing you pain, check how it expresses milk from your breast. Is your nipple moving in and out of the suction cup, or is your nipple pulled continuously?
Breast pumps that perform by pulling the nipple continuously are not the best, and they put your nipples at a higher risk of nipple damage and soreness. But if your pump is performing proper suction, it is possible that you are using the wrong funnel or cup size.
How do I know which funnel size to use?
Some popular brands consider that everyone has different-sized nipples. Just as when you buy shoes, not everyone has the same size, there are also many sizes available for breast pump funnels.
To know what size you need, measure your nipple and add 2 mm to the measurement.
Another way to find your size is to try out the funnel. When it is your right size, the nipple should fit inside, along with a small part of the areola. But your nipple should not touch the walls of the cup. If it touches or too much areola fits in the cup, it is not the right size.
I do not like the idea of using a breast pump
Many women feel uncomfortable when using a breast pump. Some mothers say that they feel like cows being milked or that they can’t stand the sound it makes. If this is your case, maybe you can try manual extraction. Manual extraction is used all over the world and allows you to pump without those unpleasant feelings.
Do you have any more questions?
If you have any more questions about breastfeeding and motherhood, we can help. Please download our free app, LactApp, for iPhone or Android. In the contact section of the app, you can find an in-app consultation channel where our experts will answer your questions.