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Author: LactApp

Lip Out Technique (I): Classification and Use Case in Diagnosis

Lip Out Technique (I): Classification and Use Case in Diagnosis

Last February a lactation update session for professionals entitled “Physiotherapy in BF, Lip Out as a diagnostic tool and treatment of the seal” took place in LactApp. It was given by José Luís García-Morales, pediatric physiotherapist, IBCLC and director of Grupo Aúpale. Lip Out refers to an evaluation technique and treatment of the alterations that the tongue may present in the oral sealing function for breastfeeding. The technique consists of removing the infant’s lower lip in order to observe the tongue and…

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Hypogalactia: How to Identify it and how to Accompany it?

Hypogalactia: How to Identify it and how to Accompany it?

Hypogalactia is defined as insufficient milk supply to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. A woman may have milk secretion, but this may not be sufficient, and she may need supplementation for the correct feeding of the infant. Studies indicate that 36% of mothers attribute the end of breastfeeding to a lack of milk supply. In reality, in the majority of cases, this is only a perception and is not confirmed, but genuine hypogalactia exists in 5% of mothers either due to anatomical variations…

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The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

The finger-syringe technique of supplementing

When a baby needs to receive additional breastmilk or formula milk, we always think of a bottle as the only way to do this. And, of course, you can give milk in a bottle; you just need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each supplementing method. In this post, we will explain the finger-syringe technique. What advantages does it have over other methods? The finger-syringe method is ideal for training babies’ suckling motions. It allows your baby to place the tongue in…

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Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

Emotions and partnership: when parenting distances

The first week of May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, so let’s talk about emotions and partnership and how parenting can distance. What emotions do you feel when your partner does not parent as you expected? How does it affect you? Maybe during nine months of pregnancy, you have prepared yourself consciously to raise your child together. And then, when your baby arrives, you find that your partner does not meet the expectations you had or that his parenting…

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Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

Is it possible to maintain mixed feeding?

In this article, we will explain what mixed feeding or combination feeding is and how it can be maintained. Mixed feeding is when the baby is fed by a combination of breastmilk and bottle feeding. There are many reasons why you might choose to combine both ways. Whatever your reason, here we will explain some important issues to keep in mind that can help you to solve some of the most common problems. If you would like to maintain mixed…

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Breast pump and mastitis, is there a relationship?

Breast pump and mastitis, is there a relationship?

Are breast pumps related to mastitis? There is no doubt that breast pumps are a very useful tool for nursing mothers and their use is very popular, especially for preparing milk banks for breastfeeding. Studies suggest that breast pumps may cause mastitis because they can cause damage to the breast parenchyma and the nipple-areola complex if a correctly sized funnel is not used, if the suction is too high or if the mother uses the pump for an excessive amount…

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“I am so glad I found the right funnel size”

“I am so glad I found the right funnel size”

Today we share a story sent to us by Sara, a LactApp user who could relate to one of our last articles. The post was about how to choose the right breast pump funnel size. Here is her experience: Hello, first of all, I wanted to let you know that I love your app. On more than one occasion it has helped to give me peace of mind, so thank you. I just read your article about breast pump funnel…

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Visiting a new baby

Visiting a new baby

Here we have put together some basic guidelines for visiting a new baby that you can share with your family and friends so that when they come to meet your newborn, it is clear to them. You can adapt and modify them to your liking, but we are sure that they will be useful for you to set the boundaries to your surrounding, which you will need when they are visiting your newborn baby. Yes, you can’t go to see…

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Massage after frenectomy: review of a scientific publication

Massage after frenectomy: review of a scientific publication

Today we would like to discuss the topic of massage after frenotomy in this review of a scientific publication. Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) due to the presence of a short lingual frenulum is a fairly common occurrence in newborns, with an estimated overall incidence ranging from 4 to 16% (1,2). A frenotomy is a surgical procedure performed in infants when other less invasive treatments for tongue-tie, such as improving breastfeeding technique, promoting postures that allow a deep latch such as laid back…

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Ethics in Research

Ethics in Research

Research ethics during the first half of the last century, particularly in pregnant women and in the postpartum period, was abusive and immoral. A paper published in 1948 studying the milk ejection reflex is a good example of this (1). In this study, a series of immoral procedures were performed on a 25-year-old woman while she was breastfeeding her daughter to assess whether pain, stress, or distraction could influence the milk ejection reflex. Three procedures, which they called distraction, were…

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