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Author: LactApp UK

International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

International Day of the Midwife: Shortage of Professionals

Today marks the International Day of the Midwife! Congratulations to all midwives! Midwives are the best-qualified professionals to monitor pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care for low-risk births. Numerous studies show that having access to a professional midwife improves health outcomes for mother and baby. What differentiates a midwife from an ob-gyn/gynaecologist? Midwives are specialists in the normality of childbirth, while gynaecologists specialise in the care of pathologies or whenever risks and problems arise. As we said, a low-risk, physiological pregnancy…

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10 Basics About Introducing Solids

10 Basics About Introducing Solids

1 – Why start with solids? Breastmilk is possibly the most complete nutrition and can exclusively nourish a baby up to about 6 months of age. At about this age, breastmilk is still excellent for feeding a baby, but not exclusively, which is why we begin introducing solids. Iron, zinc, and vitamin A are the nutrients that the baby now needs in bigger quantities, and so she begins to diversify her diet. 2 – At 4 or 6 months? Some…

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Breastfeeding on demand?

Breastfeeding on demand?

Breastfeeding works on demand, which means that there is no need for the baby or the mother to wait for a certain amount of time between feeds. The knowledge related to breastfeeding was gradually lost with the introduction of the bottle-feeding culture in our society. What was worse is that practices associated with bottle feeding were simply applied to breastfeeding. Although it later became clear that this was not necessary, bottle-feeding was introduced with a regular schedule, and this mistake…

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Breastfeeding Triplets

Breastfeeding Triplets

Breastfeeding one single baby can be complicated, but how is breastfeeding triplets? We have been lucky enough to hear the first hand experience of our user Laia, who has shared her story with us. Thank you, Laia! “I planned to breastfeed the triplets, just as I did with my older son. In addition, I knew that because they were premature, breastfeeding was a great help for them. In fact, our breastfeeding journey started in the NICU. The first drops of…

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Why is it Not Recommended to Donate Formula Milk for Ukraine?

Why is it Not Recommended to Donate Formula Milk for Ukraine?

It is not the first time that in light of a conflict situation, initiatives are created to provide formula milk to the areas where it may be needed. Despite the fact that these initiatives have a noble and charitable background, they can cause complicated and counterproductive situations. We have received a comment from a person who is an international aid worker and who knows first-hand how formula milk is managed in conflict zones. We would like to share it here…

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How Do I Prepare my Breasts for Breastfeeding?

How Do I Prepare my Breasts for Breastfeeding?

There are many old wives’ tales and other myths related to breastfeeding that still persist today. One of the topics that come up often in these false beliefs is that you need to prepare the breast during pregnancy to achieve successful breastfeeding. Ideas given to mothers to “prepare” their breasts are very varied and range from rubbing or pulling the nipples, to using specific products on them or any other similar techniques. As you may have already guessed, it is…

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My baby has a white tongue, is it thrush?

My baby has a white tongue, is it thrush?

Our maternity experts get many questions from concerned mothers about their baby’s white tongue. And indeed, many parents are in doubt about the colour of their baby’s tongue and whether the white colour that can be seen in breastfed babies, means that the baby has thrush in her mouth. In this post, we will gradually explain the topic. What is thrush? There is a type of thrush sometimes presenting in babies’ mouths, that is also known as candida or oral…

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My baby has a milk allergy, do I have to stop breastfeeding?

My baby has a milk allergy, do I have to stop breastfeeding?

We have been asked this question incredibly many times and this topic continues to create a lot of confusion. Recent news reports, suggest that many babies are diagnosed incorrectly with milk allergies and this “may also cause harm by discouraging breastfeeding”. If you have the feeling that your baby is more restless and very fussy at the breast, doesn’t let go at all or wants to feed all the time, it could be because of your baby’s growth spurt at 21 days or,…

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“My experience with breast cancer and breastfeeding” – my story

“My experience with breast cancer and breastfeeding” – my story

This is the story of a LactApp user who shares her story with breast cancer and breastfeeding. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your experience. My story begins on the 26th of January 2012, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 32 years old. It had been five years since I had a yearly check-up for fibroadenoma. At the last check-up, another similar image appeared in the other breast, which turned out to be an infiltrating ductal…

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10 Tips to prepare for your return to work

10 Tips to prepare for your return to work

Are you going back to work soon? When this moment is approaching, you probably feel overwhelmed. This is just natural because paid maternity leave is not long enough in most places, and even if you have chosen a childcare option, separation from your child is always painful and uncertain. At LactApp, we are by your side and propose resources, this time with 10 tips that we hope you will find useful: Do not anticipate events. Maternity leave is short enough;…

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