Is it ok to breastfeed lying down?
“Hi everyone! I have been told that it is best not to breastfeed lying down. I have been told that if the baby suffers from reflux, breast milk can pass into the baby’s ear and create an infection. Is this true? Thank you.”
Anonymous user query
How can breast milk get into the ear?
First, let’s talk a little about anatomy to try to understand how breast milk can pass from a baby’s throat to the ear.
Inside the ear, we find the Eustachian tube, which measures between 3 and 4 cm and communicates the pharynx with the back of the eardrum. Its main function is to regulate the pressure in the middle ear while keeping up ventilation. Therefore, this link exists, and some breast milk may travel to this area of the ear.
Are there any research studies on this?
That said, there are two things to consider. The first is ample evidence that breastfed babies are at less risk for otitis or ear infections without considering in what position they receive breast milk. In fact, babies who breastfeed in the traditional cradle hold position also lie flat in their mother’s arms. Interestingly, the risk of infection seems to be identified only when the mother and baby breastfeed while lying in bed.
Secondly, breast milk is a living liquid, a liquid that has the ability to inhibit the multiplication of viruses and bacteria and does not cause inflammation of the tissues. So, if the breast milk were to move into the baby’s Eustachian tube, this would not be a major problem if the baby is healthy.
So why are mothers being told this?
This myth comes from confusing breastfeeding human milk with formula milk feeding. Commercial formula milk is not received by the body in the same way, and infections or inflammatory reactions can occur in the presence of formula milk in the Eustachian tube.
Therefore, there is no reason to avoid breastfeeding lying down for fear of ear infections. This is a widespread myth that has no grounds whatsoever.