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Tag: tandem breastfeeding

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

When a breastfeeding mother becomes pregnant, she may find herself with mixed feelings and questions about whether or not to continue breastfeeding her older child. She may even hear negative comments about continuing to breastfeed during pregnancy, which may come from family and friends as well as healthcare professionals. There are many fears and misconceptions associated with breastfeeding during pregnancy: a perceived increased risk of miscarriage, that the babies or the mother will suffer from nutritional deficiencies, that the older…

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Tandem breastfeeding – first questions

Tandem breastfeeding – first questions

What is tandem breastfeeding? This practice is getting more and more common and out of the tabu zone and refers to breastfeeding two children of different ages. In this article, we answer the most asked questions about it. Remember that you can always send us more questions, and we will happily answer! Do I have to take any special precautions? Most mothers are worried that the older child will “take” the milk away from the younger baby, and some mothers…

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