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Tag: pro-en

Obtaining a breast milk sample for lab testing

Obtaining a breast milk sample for lab testing

When mastitis is suspected, sometimes a breast milk sample for lab testing is one of the diagnostic strategies that can be used in order to approach the most suitable treatment. In order to do this, the breast milk culture sample must be collected in an optimal way, so that the result is as reliable as possible. Recommendations for sample collection The recommendations for obtaining the breast milk sample are as follows: Manual extraction Manual milk expression can be a challenge…

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Anaphylaxis caused by breastfeeding

Anaphylaxis caused by breastfeeding

Anaphylaxis caused by breastfeeding is a rare situation in the context of breastfeeding that appears as an allergic response to the milk ejection reflex. It usually occurs within a few minutes of latching on or expressing (manually or with a breast pump), although it can also appear up to half an hour later. Pathophysiology Although the pathophysiology of this condition is not clear, it is possible that the decrease in progesterone and the increase in prolactin after birth cause mast…

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Spina bifida: what it is and risk factors

Spina bifida: what it is and risk factors

November 21 marks International Spina Bifida Day, which seeks to raise awareness of this condition that can be prevented during the time of trying to get pregnant. Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect; in this case, the spinal column does not close completely during the first weeks of pregnancy, which can damage the nerves and leave the spinal cord unprotected. Classification of spina bifida There are 3 types of spina bifida, which are classified according to their…

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How should a baby sleep in order to be safe?

How should a baby sleep in order to be safe?

Much has been written about how to sleep safely with a baby. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has been, and continues to be, a major fear for families and professionals alike. SIDS is estimated to have an incidence of between 1 and 4 per 1000 live births. The epidemiology of SIDS is still unknown, and its diagnosis is reached by ruling out other causes. Some studies associate how and where the baby sleeps with the increase of this syndrome. For…

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Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): proposal of a new classification

Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): proposal of a new classification

The FreLac team (1), with extensive experience in the care of ankyloglossia, has recently published an article proposing a new classification for tongue-tie (more on its prevalence here). Until now, the most commonly used classifications have been mainly anatomical, focusing on the appearance of the frenulum without taking into account its symptomatology. The FreLac team’s proposal takes into consideration both, the anatomy and the related symptomatology. They propose 4 types of limiting sublingual frenulum: Anterior tongue-tie This is a frenulum…

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Research: A usability and usefulness evaluation of LactApp

Research: A usability and usefulness evaluation of LactApp

At the end of September, the scientific journal International Journal of Medical Informatics published an article on the evaluation of user usability and usefulness of LactApp. Here we summarize the article. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the usability and usefulness of LactApp as a mobile app to support breastfeeding. In addition, it also aimed to evaluate the satisfaction of breastfeeding mothers with the breastfeeding support received from health professionals, their families, and society. Methodology A prospective…

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Breastfeeding or breast milk for pain relief in neonatal procedures

Breastfeeding or breast milk for pain relief in neonatal procedures

In August 2023, the Cochrane Library published a literature review on the use of breastfeeding or expressed breast milk for pain relief in neonatal procedures. Within routine procedures of care in healthy newborns, as well as in pathological situations, it is quite common to have procedures that can be painful, such as performing heel prick tests or obtaining blood samples. On many occasions, different strategies are used to alleviate the newborn’s pain during the performance of these techniques. There are…

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Breastfeeding and fertility treatments

Breastfeeding and fertility treatments

Authors Sofia Gaggiotti Marre, MD, PhDGynecologist and Obstetrician Specialist physician in fertility treatmentsPuigvert Foundation-Sant Pau HospitalFertty, Spain Beatriz Álvaro Mercadal, MD, PhDPhD in Gynecology and ObstetricsSpecialist physician in fertility treatmentsPuigvert Foundation-Sant Pau Hospital Introduction Many women who are breastfeeding and must undergo fertility treatment to conceive a second child find that healthcare professionals advise or even oblige them to stop breastfeeding in order tocarry out treatment. Just as there are professionals who still advise against laser hair removal, surgery, or…

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When is supplementing milk recommended in breastfeeding?

When is supplementing milk recommended in breastfeeding?

Supplementing milk, whether with breast milk and/or commercial formula milk, is recommended in certain circumstances when milk transfer is poor or when the mother decides to do so. However, we often still find that healthcare professionals recommend supplementing without an appropriate reason, making it difficult for the mother to establish and maintain breastfeeding. What is supplementing milk? It is understood as administering a variable quantity of milk that is offered to the baby once or several times a day after…

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Diagnosis and management of hypergalactia

Diagnosis and management of hypergalactia

Hypergalactia (oversupply) is defined as breast milk production (or supply) that exceeds the volume required to meet the nutritional needs of a healthy infant. Symptoms The referred symptoms are centered on the sensation of hyperproduction (or breastmilk oversupply). Derived from this, physical complications appear, such as breast discomfort and/or pain, obstructions of milk ducts, increased mastitis episodes, spontaneous milk leakage, or even a painful ejection reflex. There are also a number of signs and symptoms in the newborn, such as…

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