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Tag: illness and breastfeeding

Stomach bug and breastfeeding: what to do

Stomach bug and breastfeeding: what to do

We receive a lot of questions about stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) and breastfeeding in the LactApp app consultation channel. It’s that time of the year again, and many breastfeeding mothers and their babies are affected, so we would like to take the opportunity and answer your questions. I am breastfeeding, and I have a stomach bug: What should I do? Breastfeeding mothers can be affected by stomach bugs (gastroenteritis) just like anyone else. There is no specific treatment for gastroenteritis, so…

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Bronchiolitis and breastfeeding

Bronchiolitis and breastfeeding

Bronchiolitis is a rather frequent lung infection during winter months in infants and toddlers. It causes inflammation and congestion in the smaller branches of the bronchial airways (bronchioles). In most cases, bronchiolitis is caused by a virus such as the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the rhinovirus, or the influenza (flu) virus, among others. It begins as a cold (mucus, sneezing, sore throat, slight fever) and from the fourth day on, it spreads to the bronchi. This stage usually lasts between…

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