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Tag: high demand

My baby won’t let go of my breast and feeds constantly

My baby won’t let go of my breast and feeds constantly

Mothers are told over and over again that breastfeeding needs to be offered on demand. What does this mean? Every time babies ask for or seem to want breast milk, you give them access to your breast so they can feed for as long as they need and as many times as they need, without any limits. What demand for breastfeeding can you expect from your baby? The expectations of breastfeeding demand you might have before becoming a mother are…

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My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

My baby wants to breastfeed constantly

Although you may have heard that babies breastfeed constantly, when your baby arrives, it may actually surprise you how often they nurse. Usually, we are simply not prepared for this! Babies breastfeed for many months, from 8 to 12 times in any 24 hours, which means that you will spend many hours with your baby glued to your breast. You also have to remember that babies take a long time to complete a feed during their first months. They can…

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What is a high-demand baby?

What is a high-demand baby?

High-demand baby – at LactApp, we don’t like labels, nor does anyone else as we grow up with them: the lazy one, the smart one, the grumpy one, the drama queen, and so on. But sometimes, by trying to escape from them, every description seems like a burden, far from the truth. Often, putting a name to what happens to us makes us feel calmer and start positively enjoying or living things. In motherhood, being able to name things is…

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Breastfeeding demand does not decrease with time

Breastfeeding demand does not decrease with time

When you are breastfeeding, there seems to be a certain moment on the horizon that you are waiting for. It’s like passing stages in a videogame and wanting to arrive at the long-awaited moment when you are told (and start to believe) that the baby will supposedly breastfeed less and space out their feeds. So, is it true? Does a baby’s demand for breastfeeding decrease as they get older? Well, no, it doesn’t. Demand for breastfeeding does not decrease as…

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I didn’t expect my baby to breastfeed so often!

I didn’t expect my baby to breastfeed so often!

In fact, I didn’t expect it at all, and it seems that I’m not mistaken when I say that a large number of women who are mothers for the first time didn’t expect it either. They don’t expect their baby to breastfeed so often. And why? It’s hard to know why we have these expectations for our babies. Maybe because we have little contact with babies in our daily lives, maybe because the experience of motherhood is so intense that…

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